There are 10 ways to live longer that you can add to your life right now. Once you’ve made all ten part of your life, you’ll feel like a new person. We’ve all heard the statement that you are what you eat and sadly, it’s true.
1 – Your diet today will show up on your face and body in the years to come. Since it’s the only body you’ll get, take care of it by eating the healthiest way. Have lean meats, keep your portions healthy, drink plenty of water and get your fruits and veggies.
2 – Work up a sweat. Don’t beat yourself up if you can’t exercise every day. It’s okay to take a day off. It’s okay to exercise three days a week. Something is better than nothing. But you’ll find yourself looking forward to moving if you look for an exercise routine that’s fun. Though exercise and fun don’t sound like they belong in the same sentence, you can find them. Make it enjoyable.
3 – Don’t forget to laugh. A lot. Find the humor in all you do from your job to your exercise routine. Having regular laughter in your life helps reduce stress.
4 – Of the 10 ways to live longer, one of the most important is to stay optimistic. Optimistic people outlive pessimistic people. The mind is one of your most powerful weapons against thoughts that can drag you down.
5 – Eliminate negative thinking. When you find yourself starting to think negative thoughts (like, “I won’t get that job” or, “This isn’t going to work out well”) stop and remind yourself that you don’t know the future.
6 – Stay in the NOW. All you have is the time right now. Usually, we think the worst and it never comes to pass. We spend all that time on the negative, imaging all the bad that ‘could’ happen and then it doesn’t.
7 – Make sure that you stay social. People who have regular get togethers with friends enjoy a longer life. A strong social network helps people to enjoy relationships where they can find acceptance and support.
8 – If you have bad habits that can damage your health, get rid of them. If you don’t have a pet, consider getting one. Having a pet reduces stress and stress can cause all sorts of diseases.
9 – Another important way in 10 ways to live longer is to pamper yourself. Treat yourself kindly. To many times we treat ourselves in ways we wouldn’t treat our worst enemy. Don’t beat yourself up emotionally.
10 – Also, don’t put off doing what you look forward to. Saving for the future is important but don’t become grinch-like in your quest to save. Make sure you spend both time and money on the things that bring you satisfaction. Finally, make sure that you take supplements that contain anti-aging properties.