Moderation is key to success in dieting. Unfortunately, with some junk foods, moderation may not be enough. There are several junk foods that are just downright disgusting nutritionally. Here is a list of the 14 worst junk foods you shouldn’t eat.

1 – Soda

Coke, soda, pop, cola; no matter what name you call it is still a sugar bomb. Not only do you get 250cal per 12-ounce serving when you drink sodaallthe calories come from sugar. This wreaks havoc on your blood sugar levels, don’t drink it.

2 – Microwavable Popcorn

The flavoring in microwavable popcorn that is supposed to be butter comes from flavoring agents. People who work in popcorn factories actually get a disease called popcorn lung from this flavoring agent. Whenever you open that microwavable bag of popcorn you get a lungful of disease causing fumes.

3 – Hot Dogs

Hot dogs are full of sodium and Nitrates. Unless you’re buyingallbeef kosher Franks, who knows what’sreallyin them. Stay away from the hot dogs and opt for a juicy steak instead.

4 – Hot Cheetos

Not only are Cheetos made from refined corn meal, but a hot Cheetos have tons of artificial flavorings, dyes and fat. The dyes are so strong they can even effect your bowel movements.

5 – Meat Lovers Pizza

Pizza should be its own food group. But skip the meat lover’s pizza. This is one meal with the highest fat content you can get. Not only is it topped with mozzarella cheese but you get every type of meat. One slice of pizza has 18 grams of fat.

6 – Donuts

Donuts are dessert not breakfast. Unfortunately, many people eat these on their way to work or at the morning meeting. Getting a high dose of fat and sugar to start the day only leads to burnout in the middle of the day because your glucose levels crash.

7 – Coffee Creamer

Flavored coffee creamers don’t even have cream in them. They are primarily made of partially hydrogenated oils. That’s right, trans fats. If you must have flavored coffee try using vanilla extract and real cream.

8 – Bacon and Sausage

Both bacon and sausage are full of saturated fat. They also have tons of nitrites in them. Nitrites affect many systems in the body and can cause inflammation. Stay away from nitrites and skip the breakfast bacon and sausage.

9 – Breakfast Cereals

Sugary breakfast cereals don’t provide any nutrition. Unless you count sugar and mold which is not nutritious at all!

10 – Restaurant Desserts

Restaurant desserts look amazing and taste amazing too. Unfortunately, most restaurant desserts carry enough calories to be your entire days’ worth of food. The molten chocolate cake with vanilla ice cream from Chili’s has 1270 calories, their skillet chocolate chip cookie has 1430 calories. Just don’t.

11 – Energy Drinks

Energy drinks contain so much caffeine that many people are having heart palpitations and anxiety attacks. Along with the high amounts of caffeine energy drinks contain large dose of B vitamins. Vitamins are good in moderation. Anything that has a warning label not to consume more than once a day should probably not be consumed at all.

12 – Oreos

This black-and-white cookie is one of America’s favorites. Unfortunately, three cookies are around 240 calories.

13 – Muffins

Breakfast muffins seem like a healthy choice, but they are really junk food. A Starbucks breakfast muffin can contain upwards of 400 calories. Add that to your cappuccino or latte and you’ve had 800 calories before you walk out the door. Skip the muffin and stick with steel cut oats.

14 – Cool Whip

Cool Whip somehow thinks it’s whipped cream. It’s not. It’s sugar and hydrogenated oils. It may taste amazing, but it’s full of disgusting chemicals.

And there you have it, the 14 worst junk foods that you can eat. Some of them are just categories of junk food, I know. You’ll just have to take my word for it that the entire group of muffins, energy drinks, and restaurant desserts are going to be bad for you.