In many ways, you can counteract the effects of brain fog. The treatments you partake in depend on the underlying cause of the disorder. Some great ways of counteracting brain fog include the following:

1 – Get Enough Sleep Every Night

Try to get at least 8 hours of sleep per night that isn’t interrupted by frequent night awakenings. This will regenerate your brain, just like charging a battery, so you are sharp when you wake up in the morning.

2 – Avoid Medications that are Causing Brain Fog

You need to think about the possibility that medications are behind your suffering from brain fog. Talk to your doctor about switching medications to those that are less likely to cause brain fog.

3 – Drink at Least 1.5 Liters of Plain Water Daily

Drinking water every day is one of the most helpful habits for clearing brain fog. You want to drink at least 1.5 liters of plain, preferably filtered water plus all your teas, coffees, and other liquids. You can add lemon or lime but that is it. A fog is a block and water promotes flow and helps flush toxins from the body.

Your body uses water to hydrate itself and perform many functions. In order for it to work at maximum performance, you need to drink enough water to support all its functions.

4 – Stop Smoking and Reduce Alcohol Intake

Both alcohol and cigarette smoking are linked to the presence of oxygen free radicals in the brain that can kill brain cells and can cause brain fog. Instead of drinking or smoking, try taking in as many antioxidants as you can. These will fight off oxygen free radicals so you won’t have as much propensity toward having brain fog.

5 – Eat Healthier

A diet that is high in omega 3, omega 6, and omega 9 fatty acids, B vitamins, and magnesium will help decrease the number of episodes of brain fog you experience.

6 – Eliminate Preservatives in Your Diet

If food is in a box or a bag and has a list of ingredients, it probably has preservatives in it. A good way to keep brain fog from taking over your life is to eliminate junk food and processed food and eat clean. Eating clean means eating real whole food, like fresh vegetables, fruits, protein and whole grains as provided by nature.

7 – Eat Whole Grains, Nuts, and Lean Proteins for Energy

If you shouldn’t eat boxed food with preservatives, what should you eat? Whole grains like oats, flax, bran, and other grains are excellent choices. You can also have crackers made from whole grains. Wild and brown rice are also great grains.

Nuts make an excellent snack, or you can even have nuts as your protein in a meal by sprinkling them on your salads. Lean proteins such as fish, turkey, chicken, and beans are excellent sources of energy and can help zap brain fog from its place in your life.

8 – Eat Organic Food

Organic food has no pesticides and is not genetically modified. Chemicals on and in food can build up as toxins in your body. To eat organic is to help eliminate that buildup and ensure that you are running on the cleanest energy you can find. This pure energy helps reduce brain fog.

9 – Increase Your Intake of Antioxidants

Antioxidants decrease the number of oxygen free radicals in the brain that can ultimately cause brain fog. There are antioxidants in many fruits and vegetables.

10 – Reduce Sugar to 30 Grams or Less Per Day

Experts recommend that adults have no more than 30 grams of sugar a day, this equals about 8 teaspoons. This includes any sugar that occurs naturally in food like carrots and fruit.

Yes, that is all the sugar you should have, and preferably even less than that. Unfortunately, the general population consumes much more than that, and therein lies the problem of widespread epidemics such as obesity and type 2 diabetes and occurrences of brain fog.

Besides all the other significant benefits of reducing sugar intake, your clear mind will be thanks enough when you cut back your sugar intake.

11 – Decrease Stress

Stress is a major cause of brain fog so anything you can do to decrease the level of stress in your mind and body can decrease the risk of brain fog. You can exercise more or practice relaxation techniques in order to lessen your chances of having stress-induced brain fog. Yoga, meditation, Tai chi, and Qigong are all great mind-body exercises that effectively reduce stress.

12 – Power Naps

A power nap is a short period of sleep, typically about 10 minutes. Power naps are powerful tools to restart the mind, refresh, and re-energize. The reason for the short time frame is that you do not want to go into REM sleep, the deepest part of a sleep cycle.

If you nap too long and go into REM you will awake groggy, but a short power nap is to your brain as a jump-start is to a dead car battery.

13 – Regular Exercise

Regular physical activity promotes blood circulation to keep brain fog away. You can pick whatever activity you love to do and do it for twenty minutes at least 5 days a week.

You can swim, walk, run, cycle, or even dance, just as long as your blood is pumping and your heart rate is elevated.

14 – Take a Walk

Getting a little fresh air can really help you to think clearly, diminish brain fog, and gain perspective on life. This is especially useful during stressful times, heavy workloads and after a long day of working or studying, especially when it is simply not possible to stop for the day.

Simply taking a small walk around your neighborhood, through the park, or simply in the back yard for about 10 to 15 minutes can bring a new wave of clarity. Movement is an excellent detox from brain fog and walking is one of the easiest ways to move.

15 – Drink ½ Cup of Coffee

Coffee works if you find you have brain fog during the day or during the afternoon hump that’s source is fatigue from a long day. 

16 – Deep Breathing

It is easy to get stressed, tense, and muddled during the day, but learning to deep breathe is very effective in helping clear brain fog from your mind. Coincidentally, it has many other benefits as well.

  1. Inhale through your nose and deep from the diagram for a count of 4 seconds
  2. Hold that breath for 7 seconds
  3. Then exhale slowly for a count of 8 seconds

Do this several times throughout the day 

17 – Do Something You Have Never Done Before

Most people have a routine that they live by and this is healthy and productive, but sometimes this routine can become too monotonous and cause a little brain fog.

It is important to try something new every week. It could be a new food, a new exercise, a new restaurant, or a new place to have fun. It can be very beneficial to try something new to stimulate the growth of new brain cells and keep the inquisitive mind active and clear.

18 – Put Away the Electronics

We spend way too much time on social media, smartphones, tablets, and computers. Give your mind a break from the onslaught of tech that has become the modern world.

Make a conscious effort to turn electronics off at a certain time at night. Do not let them interrupt your sleep. Seek balance between electronics and human interaction and letting your mind just be.

Substitute tech or social media use with mediation for just 10 minutes a day and you will find incredible clarity.

19 – Be In Nature

Nature is healing, being out in the fresh air, among trees, plants and grass is soothing to the mind. It calms and it brings clarity. Breathe deeply and you will feel refreshed and rejuvenated.

20 – Meditate

Using meditation methods such as the Mindfulness or Transcendental ones you can minimize and even reverse brain fog. By giving your brain permission to stop and relax, you are allowing it to enter a period of restfulness while still staying alert.

What this achieves is that it helps to strengthen the communication process in your brain. Without getting too technical, this is where your brain’s prefrontal cortex and different areas that control brain functions are located. The result of this restful period is that your ability to make strong, well thought out decisions is restored.

Final Thoughts

Having brain fog can significantly affect your everyday performance and reduce your quality of life. It can hinder you from moving forward in your day and accomplishing what you need to. Brain fog can obstruct your work, school, and home life and simply make you miserable.

The good news is there are things you can do to detox your brain, get clear, and eliminate this problem from your life. You can try all or just some of methods mentioned in this report, and you will find clarity.

Every day is a chance to be your very best, get things done and carry on to work, think and thrive.

Never let brain fog stop you from doing what you need and want to do!