One of the areas of the body that often gets overlooked is the feet. People often forget to take good care of their feet, ignoring the rough, callused edges. However, if you want to have soft, beautiful feet, then a foot cream might be in order. These foot cream recipes are all natural, many of which use coconut oil.
Peppermint Foot Cream
This is definitely one of the more popular foot cream recipes, and can also be made with coconut oil. Peppermint in general is often used with foot crème because peppermint has a storing scent that is great for deodorizing your feet and helping the fresh smell to last a lot longer.
For this DIY foot cream, you want to use coconut oil in its solid form, aloe vera gel, and peppermint essential oil. You can also add in other essential oils, but be careful about combining too many different scents together. You just need to whip the ingredients together to get a cream consistency, then make sure you store it properly.
Shea Butter and Beeswax Foot Cream
Here is another excellent recipe for a coconut oil foot cream. This one will use extra ingredients that provide even more softness and moisture for your feet. This includes adding some shea butter, which is so soft on your skin, and beeswax that is grated. You will also add in some coconut oil and olive oil, along with your choice of essential oils. Vanilla is a really good scent for this type of coconut oil, but as with many other foot creams, you can also add in a few drops of peppermint essential oils.
Coconut Lavender Foot Cream
If you want a foot cream that not only moisturizes your feet, but can also provide a relaxing and soothing experience, lavender is the perfect option. To make this type of foot cream, you will still need to start with your coconut oil, usually a couple tablespoons of it, then add about ½ cup of olive oil. Combine this in a bowl with the same amount of beeswax pastilles, and add in as many drops of lavender essential oil as you want. You should start with 5 drops, mix it, then smell it to see if it is strong enough. Add about 5 drops at a time until you’re happy. For this much cream, 15-20 is usually enough.
You can also make a plain foot cream that just uses coconut oil with something cream based, or you can whip the oil to make a cream consistency, then apply it to your feet.