When you are looking to lose weight, it’s common to follow the herd and do what you think will yield the fastest results.
The truth is there is a lot of hype out there, and a lot of it comes from the profit motivated diet industry that is always trying to come up with the latest and greatest to capture the interest and money of desperate people.
Another thing to watch out for is the hyped up promises of super fast weight loss, and easy no effort methods, like, many supplements and diet aids tend to run with.
If there was a pill that can make anyone fit and trim, do you really think the obesity rates in the United States would be at epidemic levels affecting 30% of the population?
In fact, the newest data shows that rates of adult obesity increased in 6 U.S. states and dropped in none in 2013.
There’s nothing wrong with being motivated and wanting quick fat loss, but, don’t get stuck buying into fluff that will surely lead to unmet expectations and ultimate failure.
Here are five specific mistakes that people often make and you should avoid:
1 – Not Eating Enough Calories
It should come as no surprise that you need to reduce calories to lose weight. But this doesn’t mean you should starve yourself. If you cut your intake too low you will literally go into starvation mode and your body will hold on to stored fat for energy in times of famine. You are best served cutting back by only 250 to 500 calories a day.
2 – Trying to Spot Reduce
If you have fat in your stomach or on your arms, you won’t eliminate it by doing tons of crunches or biceps curls. Accept the fact that you need to lose weight through your body as a whole.
3 – Doing Too Much Cardio
Being a cardio junkie might get you in good shape from a cardiovascular standpoint, but it is not the best way to burn fat. I know that may seem off the wall but it’s true. When you do long cardio sessions day after day, you run the risk of losing muscle and hitting a plateau.
You are better served including weight training into your weekly regimen. Muscle is also metabolically active, which can cause you to lose fat even faster.
The way you do cardio also needs to be mentioned. Long duration, low-intensity is not the way to go. Remember, the key to fat loss is getting your metabolism revving for as long as you possibly can. You won’t get it done by jogging away on a treadmill while reading a book.
Once you finish your session, your metabolism will slow right back down. However, if you do interval training by alternating bouts of all-out effort with low intensity, your metabolism will fly high for a minimum of 24 hours.
4 – Eliminating Food Groups
Unless you know specifically that you have an allergy or intolerance to a specific food or food group, the idea of eliminating a food group in hopes that you will lose weight is just simple insanity.
Going on a gluten-free diet, for example, has become trendy over the past few years by people looking to lose weight. Unfortunately, a month or two after giving up gluten and not losing an ounce of weight, people walk away disgusted and go back to their old eating habits.
That’s because all they did was substitute gluten-containing foods like bread, pizza, cereal and bagels with gluten-free varieties. Guess what. They have the exact same amount of calories, if not more. Don’t fall for this trap. Follow a balanced diet with plenty of whole foods that are as close to natural form as possible.
5 – Not Eating Enough Fat
Yes fat is a calorie-dense macronutrient, weighing in at 9 calories per gram. That doesn’t mean you should cut it out of your diet or follow a low-fat plan. In fact, fat is a very important component of weight loss. The main thing is that you choose the right kind of fat.
Unsaturated fat from nuts, seeds, avocadoes, olives, oils and nut butters is actually beneficial. It keeps your blood sugar levels under control, it stabilizes your appetite and it can also raise your resting metabolic rate.
Stick with the healthy versions and use them moderately. Stay away from saturated fat that you would find in processed and deep-fried foods, and refined baked goods.