Most of us agree that working out is essential for good health and good health seems harder and harder to attain with the social and economic stresses and unhealthy food production practices in the world.
People are working longer hours, technology is making physical activity easier to avoid, food producers are taking shortcuts for mass production versus healthy production, and stress takes its toll on our bodies.
Considering all these obstacles, it can be difficult to get in the physical activity that we need.
Then there are those who are simply too lazy or unmotivated to workout, these are the people that find fitness boring, too difficult or they simply just don’t want to do it.
However, we cannot give up! With all these factors working against us, we can have good health even if getting up the motivation to workout seems impossible.
Here are five easy ways to sneak an aerobic exercise into your day without feeling overwhelmed. In fact, you may actually look forward to them!
1 – Make It a Game
This is a trick that many parents and teachers use to make children do things that they are unmotivated to do. It works! Try it on yourself.
You don’t feel like doing a monotonous 45-minute jog on a treadmill, and that’s understandable. Who does? Trick yourself into having fun with it by making it a game! A few examples are obstacle courses, challenges, and premade workout games available for sale.
There is also the Wii Fit, Xbox Live Fit or other video aerobic games that you can do to help make working out fun. Check them out!
2 – Sneak It Into a Lazy Activity
It’s been a long day. The last thing you want to do when you are finally done with your daily responsibilities is work up a sweat! You want to unwind on the couch and watch your favorite show on Netflix, play a few Facebook games, or read a good book.
You don’t have to sacrifice your feel good activity to get in an aerobic workout. Sneak in a couple minutes of fast-paced aerobic activity such as jumping jacks, high knees, or bicycle crunches within each 15 minutes or less of your unwinding.
You can use commercials as the time to do jump squats, or each new chapter in your book means you have to complete 4 rounds of 45-second burpees.
Is your Sim taking a nap? Time for jumping jacks!
Sneaking in a little aerobics here and there doesn’t take away the value of your activity. As long as you keep them close enough together, your heart rate will stay elevated and your body will benefit!
3 – Make It Social
People thrive when they are around other people. Studies show that most people perform better in a social environment. They enjoy themselves more, the competition makes them try harder, and the company makes time go by faster. Why not apply that to your workouts?
There are many different ways to include aerobics into your week through a social avenue. You can join a community sports team, set up a weekly beach volleyball or basketball tournament with friends or work colleagues, take a group fitness class or even just briskly walking your dog with a friend is better than nothing.
As long as you get your body moving you will be achieving your goal!
4 – Add It to Your Chores
We all have our daily errands to run and chores to do. Why not pick up the pace and get these tasks done not only faster but also kill two birds with one stone? Are you doing laundry, scrubbing the tub, or mowing the lawn with boredom and little effort? The quicker you get them done the quicker you can move on to what you really want to do and you are working out!
Don’t know if you are really getting an aerobic exercise? An easy way to tell if you are getting the benefit of an aerobic exercise is if you can talk but with a little difficulty. You should feel winded but not to the point of exhaustion. You will feel so accomplished after these errands; your high will carry you through the rest of the day.
5 – 20 Minutes or Less
Many people have the mistaken idea that you need to put in an excruciating hour everyday to consider it as a workout. Not so! Even a workout of as little as twenty minutes, maybe even less, can be an effective aerobic workout.
The key is intensity! If you don’t have the time to put in a long workout, don’t fret. Muster yourself up and do a quick but intense workout regimen that may be hard while you do it but over before you know it! Check out High Intensity Interval Training workouts that can be as short as 10 minutes.