Astonishingly, “How Do I Lose Weight” is entered into Google 110,000 times every month!

The results that show up are usually absurd ‘tips’ or even worse, advertisements camouflaged as ‘helpful’ articles designed to take your $$.

These monthly searches really reflect the state of affairs in weight loss, as thousands of people just cannot seem to find the magic pill.

And do you know why?

Because it doesn’t exist!

This no-nonsense article will provide you with 5 simple and effective tips you can easily integrate into your life to help you break old habits, get inspired and to start losing weight and keep it off for good.

1 – Refuse to Give Up On Yourself

The first and most important step of weight loss is telling yourself that you can do this! Once you have made that decision to be 100% committed, you will find that you are stronger than any excuse. The brain is the hardest muscle to train but if you get up every morning telling yourself “you can do this”, you will guarantee success and rev up your results in a way that no trainer or nutritionist can.

2 – Do What You Love

The key reason most people don’t exercise is that they despise it. The key to weight loss is to find something you enjoy doing that elevates your heart rate for at least 30 minutes. You don’t have to buy expensive exercise gear from late night TV or start running half marathons. Consider the activities you enjoy, or something you’ve always wanted to try, and get out there and do it!

Some suggestions are a boxing class, kayaking, mountain biking, dance class, anything! If you hate your workout, you will always make an excuse to skip it. Find an exercise you enjoy and you’ll never have to work out another day in your life!

3 – Be Real

You may have had to endure comments about your weight before from jerks you don’t know, maybe even jerks you do know. However, I promise you, nobody is going to be harder on you than you are on yourself.

Losing weight is not a short-term gig. You want to change those old habits, learn to love yourself again and accept that this is going to be a gradual and continuous process. It’s OK to have off days, off weeks, off months. Keep motivating yourself and accept that quality of life matters and you will easily succeed in your weight loss goals.

4 – Don’t Eat Less, Eat Right

I can see you rolling your eyes at me. Seems painful right? Well it doesn’t have to be painful at all. Similar to finding exercises that you enjoy, the trick here is to reward yourself with foods that you love eating.

The best way to get started is to replace any calorie dense foods with nutrient dense foods instead.

I’ll give you one example. A standard serving of pasta contains around 200 calories, but a standard serving of spaghetti only contains 31 calories. You can eat egg whites instead of eggs, vegetable fries instead of potato fries.

Starting to consider what you are eating and finding less calorie dense alternatives will make a huge difference!

5 – Stay Focused and Regret Nothing

So you’ve read the article, found your inner fire, and decided to take the first step.


However, the last piece of advice for you is very important. You have to be consistent.

Not every day is going to be a great day, and of course, you will encounter the occasional hiccup when it comes to your nutrition and exercise plan. Everybody does.

However, what’s important is that you recognize this and accept it. If you stay committed to your goal, you WILL lose weight.

If you follow these 5 tips, you will go a long way towards making profound and lasting changes towards your goal of permanent weight loss.

You don’t need doom yourself to subpar results! As you can see, it is possible to drop weight without being a slave to the scale and starving yourself. Follow these tips and your chance of success will skyrocket!