Fiber is one of the essential nutrients your body needs to be healthy. With fiber, you have good intestinal support and limited digestive issues, along with many other benefits. If you are struggling to get enough fiber each day, here are some tips and ideas.

1 – Eat More Whole Grains

The first way you can get more fiber in your diet is by eating more whole grains. These should be chosen over refined carbohydrates, and it is a really easy transition to make.

Any time you would typically eat white rice or white pasta, just switch to brown rice or quinoa and whole wheat pasta. Some other whole grains that are great to eat are oatmeal, bulgur, buckwheat, oats, rye, and barley. Grains are always an excellent source of fiber.

2 – Add Beans to Your Diet

Many beans are also good for fiber, and are super easy to add to your diet. Plus, they are ideal if you are on a vegan or plant-based diet since you need to get more protein and iron into your diet without meat or dairy products. Some of the best beans for fiber are white beans, black beans, and kidney beans. You can combine them into a 3-bean salad, use each one individually in a recipe, or turn them into a healthy soup or chili.

3 – Eat More Fresh Fruit

Grains and beans aren’t the only source of fiber – you can also get it from certain fruits. By adding more fresh fruit to your diet, you are able to increase your fiber content, while also getting all those necessary vitamins and minerals.

Plus, fruit has natural sugars that help with the sweet tooth. Some fruits that are high in fiber include prunes, oranges, pears, apples, and berries.

4 – Have Avocados Daily

If you are trying to increase your healthy fats along with fiber, avocados are a great option. While they are higher in fat and calories, it is good fat that your body needs. They have a high amount of fiber, which can counteract with the number of carbs in the fruit. Plus, most people enjoy avocados and guacamole, making it really easy to add to your diet.

5 – Oatmeal

Eating oatmeal instead of cereal or pastries for breakfast is a healthier option with less sugar and a lot more fiber. You can easily have overnight oats or a hot bowl of oatmeal in the morning, topping it with fresh fruit or even peanut butter, and have a healthier option.