It is true that we all get older – it’s a fact of life. From the moment you are born you begin to age – your body, your mind, your skin – it all gets older. So, what’s the secret to feeling younger than you are? It’s not really a secret.

Some scientists actually link it to slower brain aging. If your brain is aging slower you can feel much younger than your actual years in age.

The same is true if you feel older than your actual years in age. It might mean that your brain is aging quicker than it should be and it’s time to spend a little extra effort on slowing down the aging process of your brain.

Just like there are outside contributing factors to say, our skin aging – like sun damage or smoking – there are also environmental contributing factors to our brains aging – like depression from a loss or failing physical health. These things too can make us feel much older than our age in years.

If you want to help keep your mind younger and feel younger than you are, try practicing these 7 habits every day. They will strengthen your brain, keep you active and keep you out there in the world.

1 – Sleep as Much as You Want

Sometimes as we age we just assume we need less sleep than we did in our younger years. That simply isn’t the case – some people need more sleep as they age. Listen to your body when it comes to sleep and get whatever it is that your body tells you that you need.

2 – Enjoy Your Grandkids

If you have grandkids take the time to enjoy them. Sometimes as we age we get to a point where we are used to our quiet home and little kids coming into it can wreak havoc on our quiet time. But, spending time with and enjoying your grandkids – particularly if they live far away – can help you feel younger.

You see the world through the eyes of children again, enjoy the innocence of them, and stay active to keep up with them and all of this can have a huge effect on how you feel.

3 – Thinking About Retiring, Don’t Do It Yet

Several studies have shown that if you continue to work after retirement age it can help keep you feeling young. Where else can you go and still get the feeling of being part of a group – part of something important – than at work?

Even if you don’t want to work full-time anymore you might consider just a partial retirement. Go into work 3 days a week or even 2 – whatever works for you to feel younger and keep your brain thinking.

4 – Get a Pet

Animals not only provide companionship but they keep us from becoming stagnant. If you have a dog, chances are you’ll have to walk that dog throughout the day which in turn keeps you moving as well. You’ll be able to get out in the sunshine and enjoy a brisk walk while enjoying the company of your pet.

If you have a cat, they also need your attention – they love to have someone pet them and even play with them. And we all know that pets can help relieve stress which allows us to feel younger.

5 – Take a Walk Through Downtown

A lot of cities are working hard to revitalize their downtown area and yours is probably no different. Browse downtown and see what new shops or restaurants have opened. You might be surprised at what you find there – plus an added bonus is you get to walk around which keeps you moving.

6 – Do Random Acts of Kindness

There are so many things we can do to help our fellow man and they all don’t have to include money – just in case you are on a fixed income. Do you have a young mother who lives next door? Offer to babysit her kids – for free – so she can go to the grocery store alone or even just have time to take a shower.

Do you know someone who is in the hospital? Get a vase and fill it with some flowers and drop it off. Do you have an elderly neighbor who might need a ride to the store or who might need you to pick something up for them when you shop? The possibilities are endless but doing things for other people make them feel good and make you feel good.

7 – Attend Church or a Bible Study Group

Staying in contact with people is important to help slow the aging process, but being part of a religious organization is helpful too. You will experience so many positive emotions through this type of contact – love, hope and compassion for your fellow man.

These are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to habits that can help you feel younger than you are – but practice at least one of them a day and your positivity will soar, your brain will be working, and you might just feel like a kid again.