When you think of fruits and vegetables, the first that spring to mind are apples, oranges, carrots, and broccoli. It’s time to expand your palette and introduce some of the more unusual fruits and vegetables that are available. It will shake up your meal plans and add extra nutrients to your diet.

1 – Kohlrabi

This humble member of the Brassica family doesn’t just look out of this world- it tastes it, too. The texture is like that of a broccoli stem, while it has a pepper flavor. You can eat it raw or cook it. It’s a great crunch snack when drizzled with olive oil and sprinkled with sea salt. Cut it into cubes and roast it in the oven for a caramelized treat. It’s packed with fiber and potassium, which lowers blood pressure and supports muscle function.

2 – Purple Corn

It isn’t just for decoration, it also packs a high antioxidant content. It also contains high levels of anthocyanins, which reduce inflammation, can relieve the symptoms of diabetes, and promotes overall cellular health. It might be a vegetable, but it tastes like a combination of peaches, grapes, prunes, and kiwi.

3 – Pitaya

You’ve probably seen all kinds of bottled drinks with dragon fruit across the label. Dragon fruit is also better known as pitaya, and it comes from cactus plants across California, Southeast Asia, as well as Central & South America.

It’s a super food and contains high levels of Vitamins A and C, as well as antioxidants. Regularly consuming pitaya reduces high blood pressure and reduces the risk of heart disease. It tastes similar to pears, and is great on its own, in smoothies, or in fruit salads.

4 – Kiwano Melon

Also, commonly referred to as the horned melon, blowfish fruit, or jelly melon. Its tough orange skin has protective spikes, and its innards are bright green. It tastes like a combination of cucumber, zucchini, and kiwi. The riper it begins the more of a banana flavor it has. Add it to smoothies, salads, or eat it on its own. Kiwano melon is high in Vitamins A, C, and also has loads of beta-carotene.

5 – Yucca

This starchy root veg is also called the cassava. It’s similar to the potato in that its white flesh is subtly flavored. It can be fried, boiled, pureed, or sautéed. It’s high in carbohydrates, but it’s much higher in potassium and fiber than potatoes. Unfortunately, it’s also higher in calories. It can be an excellent starch switch at dinner.

6 – Longans

These are considered to be the lychees little brother. Its flesh is translucent and there’s a black seed at the center. They have a slightly musky taste, with the texture of something like a mix of pear and grape. They’re packed with Vitamin C, and just 100 grams will provide you with 140% of your daily value, and at just 60 calories.

7 – Prickly Pears

Prickly pears, or cactus pears, are shaped like avocados and have a golden or ruby-red pulp. The pulp is sweet and mild, somewhere between a cross of lemon and watermelon. They area grown in Mexico and the Southwest of the US.

There is more magnesium in a prickly pear than in an apple, orange, and pear combined. A healthy magnesium intake can prevent the onset of type 2 diabetes. They’re best when chilled, and the skin should be discarded. You can add them to smoothies or fruit salads, eat them on their own, or even puree them for use in marmalades or vinaigrettes.