The term super-ager refers to men and women in their 70’s and 80’s who have the mental and physical health of someone decades younger. Studies show age isn’t always an indicator of health or ability when it comes to the older generation. It’s possible for someone to be in their 70’s but biologically be in their 40’s. That’s because some people have the mental and physical stamina of someone much younger despite being considered elderly.

There is a natural decline in physical and cognitive ability as we age; however, there isn’t a standard. We can prevent the diminishing of our bodies and brains no matter our age. Super-agers retain high functioning minds and bodies despite their legal age.

We can adopt a super-ager lifestyle any time. Making some important lifestyle changes can help. Super-agers have some key things in common. They use their bodies and their brains regularly and push themselves out of their comfort zones. Here are some simple ways to adopt a super-ager lifestyle anytime.

Get Moving

Super-agers are highly active. They engage in aerobic exercise and have great heart rates. Super-agers are physically fit and routinely engage in muscle-building exercises. Staying active and purposefully getting exercise multiple times per week can create super-ager benefits.

Keep Solving Problems

Super-agers are thinkers. They engage in activities and pastimes that require them to solve problems. Super-agers are life-long learners who enjoy mental challenges. They play games like Sudoku or learn new languages. Super-agers prove it doesn’t matter what you study as long as you engage your mind in meaningful ways.

Be Social

Super-agers are social butterflies. They enjoy and engage the company of other people. Having something social to look forward to and being a part of a community helps people stay connected and keeps their mental health strong. Super-agers may be retired but they volunteer, have healthy social relationships, and stay involved in their community.

Have Purpose & Passions

Having outlets for personal growth, hobbies, and causes that matter help super-agers stay mentally strong. People who have an important and meaningful reason to get up and engage their community tend to stay mentally acute.

While it’s natural for our bodies and minds to decline over time, there are no hard and fast rules about it. It’s possible to stave off diseases related to obesity, sedentary lifestyles, and mental decline. Super-agers avoid typical geriatric maladies by staying physically and mentally fit. In exchange they suffer less as they age.

You can adopt a super-ager lifestyle at any age and prevent or possibly reverse the negative effects of a sedentary or under stimulating lifestyle.