Have you heard about boron being useful for slowing down the aging process? You may have heard or read about it in beauty books. However, there are many more benefits, that go deeper than the skin!

Boron is a trace mineral that is very important in maintaining and improving the health of our body. This mineral is assists the natural absorption of other minerals such as magnesium and calcium, which is why this mineral is an important one and often included in supplements.

The following are some of the reasons why boron can serve as one of your shields against the signs of aging:

Lowered Risk of Osteoarthritis

Boron has proven effective in preventing magnesium and calcium loss in the urine. Since it helps prevent the loss of these vitally important macro minerals, the regular intake of boron can significantly reduce the risk of arthritis, osteoporosis and other bone problems associated with aging.

One study showed that post-menopausal women who regularly consumed 3 mg of boron reduced calcium excretion as much as 40 percent.

Studies show that people living in areas where boron availability is low report higher rates of arthritis. Those living in geographical areas where the boron content of the soil is high were found to have a lower incidence of osteoarthritis.

Australian research revealed that people dwelling in areas with high boron content in water and soil had as much as 50 percent fewer cases of recorded musculoskeletal diseases than in areas with low boron availability. Research has determined that boron plays a role in facilitating the production of steroid hormones that have a significant positive impact on arthritis.

Boron is also important in the formation of corticosteroids that are commonly used in manufacturing drugs that are used to reduce pain among arthritis sufferers.

Improved Cognitive Function

A study showed that individuals who were on a low boron diet were found to have poor performance in exams that tested their level of hand-to-eye coordination, manual dexterity, perception, and short and long term memory.

On the other hand, individuals with high boron content in their diet performed better on the same tests.

Boron deficiency can lead to weakness and difficulty focusing on certain tasks. Researchers conducted EEG or Electroencephalogram (EEG) tests on study participants and found that those who were given boron supplements had an increased level of alertness. However, those study participants that were not asked to take boron supplementation had no improvement in the level of their mental alertness.

Reduced Menstrual Cramps

Boron is a mineral that is very important for estrogen production and any level of deficiency can significantly affect women’s health. One study conducted among women showed that taking 10 mg of boron every day led to reduced pain associated with their menstrual cramps.

The women in the study took the boron supplements 10 days before their menstrual period. Researchers concluded that this benefit was attributed to the anti-inflammatory properties of boron. For menopausal women, the occurrence of hot flushes were also reduced with regular intake of boron.

Other Benefits of Boron

Research has shown that boron is helpful for people suffering with congestive heart failure. Boron has also been included as part of a treatment plan for sufferers of leukemia, cancer, vitamin D deficiency and high cholesterol.

Sources of Boron

Boron is a mineral which exists in many plant foods as they readily obtain this mineral from water and the soil. A diet that includes daily intake of fruit and vegetables should be able to supply adequate boron without supplementation. Good sources of boron include avocados, plums, berries, grapes, alfalfa, broccoli, cauliflower, peaches, kelp and beans – just to name a few.