Resveratrol is a word that continually crops up when anti aging prevention is discussed. Researchers claim that resveratrol, an antioxidant abundant in the skin of grapes, can be very helpful in extending the lifespan of our cells.
Their studies show that resveratrol compounds have a positive influence on cell longevity by acting on ‘sirtuins’ which are proteins found in the cells.
Resveratrol and Sirtuins – The Battle Against Premature Aging
Harvard researchers label sirtuins as “the guardians of the cell” as these enzymes have been found to protect cells from damage so that premature cell death can be prevented.
As the number of scientific findings are growing regarding the role of sirtuins in protecting the body against age-related diseases, experts are also looking for ways on how to keep the power of these sirtuins alive inside our body. This is when the discovery of the benefits of resveratrol, found in grapes, gained prominence.
Scientists found that the resveratrol compounds found in grapes helped to increase sirtuin activity. With increased sirtuin activity, the process of self-destruction of old cells slows while allowing the process of rejuvenation and improvement of DNA structure to take place.
Increased sirtuin activity coupled with resveratrol intake also causes more protective antioxidants to be produced in the body.
As resveratrol helps increase the lifespan of cells, premature aging will also be prevented and overall vitality retained for longer.
Resveratrol and Lung Health
Many experts are now using resveratrol in helping patients with pulmonary disease and lung cancer. It helps relieve the symptoms and speeds up the healing process. Dr. Irfan Rahman of the University of Rochester said that increased activity of the sirtuins made possible by resveratrol intake, allows the body to activate its immune-inflammatory system.
Once this immune-inflammatory system is activated, the body has a better fighting chance against the onset, as well as the progression of lung damage.
Resveratrol and Heart Health
Another study showed that the cells of elderly people responded positively to resveratrol even when they were subjected to stressful conditions. Stress is a condition that accelerates the aging process. It accelerates the production of free radicals which cause cell death and damage.
Massive amounts of antioxidants are required to deal with the free radical load imposed by stress. The researchers of the study suggested that resveratrol is extremely useful as an anti aging agent, especially when overcoming stress.
The benefits of resveratrol gained popularity when several studies were conducted in order to find out why the French population was found to have a lower incidence of cardiovascular diseases than other societies.
Researchers believe the French habit of drinking red wine at meal times provides them with an abundant supply of resveratrol and gives them better protection against the onset of any cardiovascular disease.
From that research, people have enjoyed drinking red wine on the understanding that they may have a lowered risk of cardiac problems.
So drink to your health and enjoy a glass of anti aging red wine, in moderation, of course!