The evidence is clear, cruciferous vegetables are loaded with a range of antioxidant plant compounds, and can help to control certain hormonal issues as well, which led to the hypothesis that cruciferous vegetables hold high anti-aging potential, as the compounds found in them are nothing short of life-extending.

Not sure where to start? The best place is to learn which cruciferous vegetables you should be eating:

  • Cabbage
  • Cauliflower
  • Broccoli
  • Kale
  • Collard Greens
  • Brussel Sprouts
  • Radishes
  • Bok Choy

There are a few more in addition to those named above, but these are the most common, and more than sufficient to deliver measurable anti-aging effect.

Now on to the good stuff, the actual benefits you can expect to see from consumption of these cruciferous vegetables. After reading these, you will find it difficult not to want to consume them on a daily basis:

Preventing Type 2 Diabetes

While a diet low in processed carbs is the number one way to prevent the likelihood of developing diabetes, new research is finding cruciferous vegetables and cauliflower in particular may have a role in aiding the prevention of diabetes development.

While the exact reasons are still sketchy, it is believed to be related to reducing glucose insensitivity, and helping to maintain optimal blood glucose levels.

Boosts Immune Health

There are numerous factors that contribute to aging, and a weakened immune system is one such factor. Cruciferous vegetables are some of the most potent immune boosting foods available to man, that contain a unique blend of phytochemicals to keep the immune system primed for defense.

Immune cells actually kills dozens of cancer causing cells every day, so it is important to keep them ready for defense.

Reduces Inflammatory Processes

Inflammation is necessary for the body to arrest abnormal processes, but this inflammatory process can quickly escalate and cause damage to unrelated organs systems. Many of the phytonutrients and vitamins found in cruciferous veggies serve a dual purpose of being antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, both of which prevent premature or accelerated aging.

Rich in B Vitamins

B vitamins are not often considered for their role in aging, but the simple fact is that they can make or break you. B-vitamins have the property of affecting metabolism in your body, ensuring the major macronutrients are sufficiently broken down and absorbed to initiate repair and recovery.

While most people do get enough B-vitamins, eating cruciferous veggies to ensure you get more will never hurt, as the B-vitamins are water soluble and excreted in urine whenever there is an abundance.

Keeps the Brain Healthy

It is extremely common to see cases of people who are physically strong, but have a rapidly deteriorating brain. In such cases, accelerated aging is guaranteed, as the brain can no longer effectively manage the body. This is another area where cruciferous vegetables stand to benefit you.

Research has shown that choline found in these veggies can ward of dementia, along with the Vitamin K, which can inhibit progression or development of Alzheimer’s disease. These along with the numerous Sulphur rich compounds and other vitamins ensure your brain is kept health for as long as it can be.

Can Promote Bone Health

The other major player in accelerated aging is the inability to move freely. This often comes about as a result of inflammatory joint disease, or loss of bone mass, both of which pave the way to incapacitation.

Cruciferous veggies have already been established as anti-inflammatory, but they also contain important bone building minerals calcium and magnesium, which is surprisingly deficient in many people’s diets.

Ensure you consume cruciferous veggies at least 3 times per week.