Wellness procedures are becoming more mainstream as our society progresses. Practices that were once frowned upon now have the backing of credited doctors and institutions.

One of those holistic procedures has been around for centuries. However, it’s now getting the much-needed attention it deserves in the western world. That is the practice of applied kinesiology.

What is Applied Kinesiology?

According to Healthline, “Applied kinesiology is not a part of the science of kinesiology, which is the study of the movement of the human body. The basic idea behind AK is similar to one of Sir Isaac Newton’s Laws of Motion, which states, ‘for every action in nature there is an equal and opposite reaction.’ Applied kinesiology takes this concept and applies it to the human body. This means that any internal issues you may be experiencing would be accompanied by a related muscle weakness.”

Strength testing is something trained athletes to go through on a weekly basis. Professionals seek to improve their muscles through specific diagnostics, stretches, and exercises.

The belief behind kinesiology is that muscle weakness could be a sign of internal malfunctions linked to weak organs or overactive glands. In addition, chemical imbalances and a decrease in blood cells could also be detected through the study of muscles.

How is Kinesiology Used?

Since kinesiology is the study of how muscles reflect health, doctors assess the conditions of their patient’s muscles to unearth deeply rooted issues. Much like the practice of acupuncture, kinesiology is based on energy levels within the body.

When the pathways are blocked due to health challenges, that’s reflected in how the strong the muscles are. By allowing a practitioner to use kinesiology as a healing method, the doctor can uncover a series of imbalances that were otherwise unknown.

Who Developed Kinesiology?

In 1964, George Goodheart, Jr was a chiropractor who sought to solve the unanswered mysteries of the human body. Working as a chiropractor, he developed a set of ideas that would later be the blueprint to modern kinesiology.

What Ailments can Kinesiology Solve?

There are many hidden diseases and challenges that kinesiology can detect. Some of the most popular are cancer, osteoporosis, vertigo, and chronic headaches.

In an attempt to restore balance within the body, your practitioner may ask about pre-existing conditions and symptoms to get a better idea of what you may be facing.

How does Kinesiology Work?

To begin, your practitioner will test your blood levels as you perform minor movements like sitting up or standing. if you suffer from lack of balance or sensitivities, those could indicate inner challenges.

Throughout the diagnostic, your doctor will take a look at how you’re standing. Is your posture upright? Slouched? By performing a series of muscle tests, your practitioner will identify stronger and weaker areas of the body.

The weaker areas will lead to a specific pressure point. That pressure connects to a certain area of the body which in turn, uncovers your problem area. Your practitioner job is to restore balance to those pressure points by strengthening the muscles.

You may have to go on a special diet or perform unique exercises to build those weaker muscles. In time, your symptoms will subside, and you’ll have a better quality of life.

Practitioners of Applied Kinesiology

According to a survey conducted by the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners in 1998, 43% of US based chiropractic offices used applied kinesiology and also some naturopathic doctors, dieticians, massage therapists and physical therapists.

The Takeaways

With all forms of holistic therapy, it’s best to speak with your healthcare provider prior to implementing this into your wellness routine. Although this procedure is designed to heal, it may not be wise for all individuals.

After you’ve received clearance and begin receiving help, you’ll reap the benefits of this awesome therapy.