In Western medicine, we look at the body, its organs, and blood vessels and so on, in order to check for disease and try to find a cure. In Ayurvedic (EYE-your-VEE-dik) medicine from India, practitioners of this ancient form of healing look at the energies in the body to explain disease and dis-ease. In doing so, they can then balance the energy in the body.

In particular, Ayurvedic doctors can tap into seven powerful energy centers of the body in order to increase both health, vitality, and greater mental and spiritual powers. These centers are known as chakras.

The word chakra means wheel or vortex in in the ancient language Sanskrit. The chakras are pictured as being located at certain points of the body and are viewed as a flat disk spinning from the back of the body to the front and back around again.
The seven chakras, their location and their colors are:

  1. The Root Chakra – buttocks, red
  2. The Navel, Sex or Sacral Chakra – belly button, orange
  3. The Solar Plexus Chakra – the spot just underneath the center of your rib cage, yellow
  4. The Heart Chakra – the center of your chest, green
  5. The Throat Chakra – your neck,-blue
  6. The Third Eye Chakra -the point between your eyes just above the bridge of your nose, indigo
  7. The Crown Chakra – the top or crown of your head, violet

Chakras that are out of balance can result in a range of health and relationship issues. Chakras that are in balance can lead to harmony, prosperity, and high mental and spiritual power.

If a doctor were to cut us open, they would not see the chakras. This is because they are contained within the subtle energy body. There are also three main channels in the body, the right, left and central channels.

The right and left are narrow and balance male and female energies and are pictured as white and red. They begin at the navel chakra and meet at the third eye chakra in the middle of your forehead.

All of the chakras are connected via the central channel, pictured as broad, white and just a bit in front of your spinal column. It runs from your root to your crown chakra. Working to balance each chakra or move energy up and down the central channel is said to promote the health of body, mind and spirit.

If you’ve been feeling stuck in your life or experiencing poor health, it might be time to explore Ayurvedic medicine to balance your chakras and improve your life.