“Into each life, a little rain must fall.”

Boy, ain’t that the truth?

Everyone encounters problems from time to time. Sometimes they are out of our control, and we feel helpless, frustrated by our inability to take some kind of meaningful action.

The next time something negative happens in your life, big or small, remember this …

“No person, place or thing controls your emotional state unless you give it permission to.”

You have absolute control over how you respond to anything. If a car cuts in front of you suddenly while you are driving to work, you could decide a bout of road rage is the appropriate response. Instead, you could use this common negative experience as a source of gratitude.

When a driver whips in front of your car unexpectedly, and you barely avoid a collision, you have a lot to be thankful for. Only seconds before, you were taking your health for granted. Now, you have been given the opportunity to express thanks and gratitude that you were not in a life-threatening wreck.

When it rains, don’t be gloomy.

Be thankful that the grass and plants and flowers in your yard are nourished. If a good friend is running late for a lunch date with, you could be upset that you are sitting alone and wasting valuable time.

The person who spots daily gratitude possibilities would instead use this time to express heartfelt thankfulness that he or she has a friend to have lunch with. It is entirely up to you how you see, and respond to, any situation. The next time something negative happens in your life, it can also reveal things you should be grateful for.