If you experience any of the problems mentioned in the previous article, then you should suspect that your liver may need some special attention. Ignoring these signs will only make things worse and could put you at risk for developing a host of other minor and major health problems.

Rather than ignore your symptoms, be proactive and take control of your health by committing to a program that can help to restore and rejuvenate your body.

One of the simplest and most effective ways to reboot and rejuvenate your liver is to do a natural liver detox or cleansing.

Liver detoxification is basically a program that is designed to purge your liver of the toxins and other harmful particles that impede it from functioning properly.  This is best done naturally through the use of various superfoods and supplements that have a direct, positive impact on the liver.

Be aware of any detox program that advises you to consume only liquids and/or severely restrict calories.  Liquid fasts can be dangerous and should only be done under the care of a medical professional.

The liver needs much more than liquids to heal – adequate amounts of lean protein, fiber and other nutrients are necessary in order to for it to thrive so it is essential that these are present in any liver detox meal plan.

It is not necessary to go to extremes to cleanse your liver – a healthy, well planned diet and some positive lifestyle tweaks are enough to see amazing results.

There are many incredible benefits of a liver detox. Below are just a few of the health advantages you get when you follow a proven liver detox program.

Weight Loss

A liver detox improves your body’s ability to produce bile so that it can effectively burn out fats from within the body. This results in weight loss by improving the metabolism of fats. (Many who undergo a liver detox mention achieving weight loss that had eluded them for years, even though they tried every diet program under the sun.)

A Strong, Healthy Immune System

A liver detox improves the liver’s capacity to remove toxins and other poisons from your body. This means restoring your body’s natural defense system, so you fight infection, disease, inflammation and sickness effortlessly.

Prevents Formation of Painful Liver Stones

Liver stones are caused by the hardening of bile into small stones. This condition arises from having too much cholesterol in the body. The liver stones can block the gallbladder and liver. This prevents both organs from functioning properly. Doing a liver detox helps purge the liver of these tiny and painful stones.

Supports Natural, Holistic Detox

The liver detox does not only cleanse the liver from harmful substances. It also supports holistic body detoxification. A holistic approach means understanding that your physical and mental health are connected, as are all physical body parts and body processes.

This means once you start doing a liver detox you also help the other organs of your body, positively affecting and improving health inside and out from head to toe, both mentally and physically.

Improves Energy

Toxic buildup in the bloodstream can result in a constant lack of energy, and feeling of weakness. A natural liver detox returns your vigor and vitality, rewarding you with naturally high energy levels.

These are not the energetic spikes and crashes provided by sugar and unhealthy food. Instead, you can count on healthy, natural energy to easily get through your daily routine, without resorting to sugar, caffeine and other less than healthy energy boosters.

Improves Your “Glow”

Undergoing a liver detox restores the glow and vitality of your body. Have you ever heard someone refer to another person as “glowing”? Others will be saying this about you, and you will notice it yourself. Your improved level of health and vitality is manifested in the quality and appearance of your skin and hair. You can take off years off your physical appearance with a simple liver detox.

Incredible Anti-aging Properties

You can look and feel 5 to 20 years younger simply by undergoing a natural liver detox. This is because all of your bodily processes depend on a healthy functioning liver to rid your body of poison toxins and waste. You will literally look and feel younger, healthier and stronger, improve your brain function and energy levels, all from a simple and natural liver detox.