If you are interested in natural health remedies, you have probably come across bentonite clay. This is a very popular natural product that is used for many things, from improving your skin and hair, to healing your digestive system.

What is Bentonite Clay?

Before talking about the primary benefits of using bentonite clay, let’s discuss what it is. This type of clay comes from the earth’s surface and is actually formed after a volcano erupts. It occurs with the volcanic ash after it goes through an aging process, and only then when it comes into contact with water.

When the clay is activated by water, it creates a negative electromagnetic charge, which is why the clay is so beneficial. This is where the benefit of detoxing your body comes in.

There are different types of bentonite clay, depending on how much of each element is in it. Some elements you might find include sodium, aluminum, calcium, and potassium. You should really read the label thoroughly when buying bentonite clay so you know what variety it is.

In this report, you are going to learn about the different benefits of bentonite clay, including:

  • Detoxing
  • Helping Your Skin and Hair
  • Improving Your Digestive System
  • Boosting Your Oral Health
  • Helping Your Immune System

Keep reading to learn more about bentonite clay and the many different health benefits.

1 – Provides Natural Detoxing

The first health benefit of using bentonite clay is that it can detox your body. In fact, this is often the number one reason people turn to bentonite clay. If you look on Amazon and elsewhere for jars of real bentonite clay, you will notice that it almost always says detoxing on the jar (along with skin and care benefits, which you will learn about below).

As mentioned previously, it helps to cleanse your body of toxins thanks to the unique minerals electromagnetic charge of the clay.

How is It Used for Detoxing?

It is actually much easier to use when you want to gain the benefit of detoxing your body, than what you might imagine. Here are two popular options:

Add the Bentonite to Any Recipe

The first method you can use is cleansing your body from the inside out. You can actually consume small amounts of the bentonite clay, which is completely healthy. Of course, it is always a good idea to talk to your doctor first.

A simple way to cleanse your body of toxins is to add a little bit of the clay powder to a food or drink recipe. This might be a smoothie or smoothie bowl, or just adding a teaspoon or so to a soup recipe.

When you are detoxing, it causes everything to move quickly through your body, so replace the missing electrolytes by drinking plenty of water.

Put the Clay in a Bath

The other way you can detox with the help of bentonite clay is in the bath. In this way, you are detoxing through your skin. Fill your bath with warm or hot water, then add about a cup of the bentonite clay powder to the bath. You can soak in it and allow it to remove toxins from your skin. You will be relaxing in the bath while detoxing your body at the same time. It’s a win-win!

2 – Soothes Your Skin

Bentonite clay is also amazing for your skin. This is another benefit high on the top of the list of why people go for bentonite clay. When you look up natural beauty or skin remedies, the clay is bound to come up. This is because the clay not only detoxes the inside of your body, but it can help detox and cleanse the outside of your body as well, including your skin.

The great thing about using it on your skin is that it helps with so many things, from skin conditions to skin irritation. Here are some different ways to use bentonite clay for your skin:

Heals Skin Conditions

First of all, you can use bentonite clay if you have certain types of chronic skin conditions. You should always talk to a dermatologist before using new products on your skin, but you might find that they encourage the use of natural products. This type of clay is great for removing toxins and bacteria from your skin. This can help reduce redness and irritation caused by conditions like psoriasis, eczema, and dermatitis. If you have itching, burning, or redness from such conditions, it is definitely worth a try by creating a mask with the clay.

Reduces Blemishes

You can also use the bentonite clay to help reduce acne and blemishes on your skin. The clay will tighten your pores to keep bacteria from clogging them, and is also amazing at removing those impurities from your skin. As an added bonus, the clay helps to even out your skin tone, so it reduces a lot of skin imperfections all at the same time.

If you want to use it for this purpose, you can make a simple mask with the powered clay and a little water. Use it just like any other mask by leaving it on for a few minutes to dry, then rinse off with cool or lukewarm water.

Helps with Itching

Lastly, bentonite clay is amazing for your itching and irritated skin. Not just from chronic skin conditions, but any type of itching. Perhaps you have itching following a bug bite or irritation from allergies. You can make the same type of mask as mentioned in the previous paragraph, and use it on any itching areas of skin. For this, you would cover it
with a bandage and leave it on for 1-2 hours instead of rinsing off right away.

3 – Heals Digestive Issues

Now moving on to other physical benefits of using or consuming bentonite clay. Another way people enjoy using this natural remedy is to help with digestive problems. It is cleaning toxins from your body, but also removing bacteria from your digestive system. This helps tremendously if you struggle with food intolerance, stomach cramping and bloating, and bowel movement issues.

If you have irritable bowel syndrome, gastric distress, or frequent gas and bloating, bentonite clay is a great natural remedy to add to the rotation. Here are some different ways to use it for helping with your digestive system:

Turn It into a Probiotic

The first way that bentonite clay helps with your digestive system is by helping it boost probiotics. When you don’t have a healthy gut, it can lead to malabsorption of nutrients. So, even though you are eating a healthy diet with lots of vitamins and minerals, your gut isn’t able to absorb them fully. When you use bentonite clay, you are improving your gut health and preventing this issue from occurring.

This is thanks to how well it removes toxins from your body, including your gut. It acts as probiotics, which are a good type of bacteria, to remove all that bad bacteria.

Resolves Digestive Distress

When you suffer from chronic digestive issues like constipation or IBS, it can affect your daily life. It makes it difficult to go to work without running to the bathroom constantly, and makes you feel almost constantly crampy and bloated. If this sounds like you, then you can get help with the bentonite clay.

To use it for digestive stress, consumption is going to help you the best. Do this by adding a small amount of the powered clay into a cup of water and let it dissolve. This might not be the tastiest thing, but the remedy is often much better than over-the-counter drugs you take for the same problems.

4 – Improves Your Immune System

So far, you have learned about 3 major benefits of bentonite clay – helping your digestive system, improving skin health, and most important, detoxing your body. Now let’s discuss how it can be beneficial for your immune system.

Bentonite clay helps your immune system much in the same way it detoxes your body. The clay helps to remove toxins and bacteria from your body, which might have been affecting how well your immune system functions.

With a reduced immune system, you are more susceptible to the cold, flu, and various other illnesses. This is especially useful when your gut gets rid of those bacteria, as your gut and immune system are very closely connected.

To use bentonite for helping with your immune system, you can use it much in the same way as when you detox with it. Small amounts of it are safe to consume with any food or drink you want. Here are some options you might want to consider:

Drink Clay Water

This is the first option and the easiest method. It can look a little weird, but the clay doesn’t have much taste, so you definitely get used to it. When you’re in a hurry, just fill a glass with water and add a teaspoon of powdered clay. Give it a stir, let it dissolve, then drink it as needed to boost your immune system.

Try a Healing Punch

For something a little tastier, you can make a healing punch. Get a large pitcher or even punch bowl and add your favorite classic punch ingredients. This might be a certain type of juice and some other healing ingredients like apple cider vinegar and turmeric. Add in your bentonite clay and give it a good mix.

Go for a Detox Smoothie Bowl

If you prefer to eat something in the morning with the clay, you can make a smoothie bowl. This is similar to a regularly smoothie, but it is thicker and often contains acai powder to get the right consistency.

5 – Boosts Oral Health

If you are looking to improve your oral health, then bentonite clay is a great way to start! Keep in mind this does not replace brushing, flossing, and seeing your dentist regularly. However, using natural remedies for your oral health can make those cleanings and check-ups easier to handle.

The fact that bentonite clay helps remove harmful bacteria from your body is where the benefits are with your oral health. It can also remove bacteria from your mouth, helping to improve your teeth and gums, and reduce your risk of gingivitis.

To use bentonite clay for oral health, try the following remedies:

Find a Natural Toothpaste

First up, you can try to find a natural toothpaste that contains bentonite clay. This is often the simplest method as you don’t have to make anything at home with the powdered clay. Many natural toothpastes already use the clay because of how beneficial it is, but pay close attention to the ingredients so you know exactly what you are using.

Use It as a Rinse

Remember when you were drinking clay water by combining the powdered bentonite clay with water? You can do this same thing, but use it as a rinse instead of drinking it. Maybe you don’t want to drink it, but still want help with your oral health. This is a great reason to mix up some bentonite clay water, rinse with it, then continue with your normal dental care routine.

6 – Cleanse Your Hair and Scalp

The last way bentonite clay can benefit you is by helping with the condition and health of your hair. The clay is going to help with your scalp and your hair itself by removing toxins and really helping to make it softer and shinier.

If you struggle with buildup on your scalp, the bentonite clay can remove the buildup and any bacteria that is making it worse. You can also make your own bentonite clay shampoo that adds more health and vitality to your hair.

For a shampoo made of bentonite clay, mix a few tablespoons of the powder with the same amount of apple cider vinegar. Shampoo your hair like normal, but let it sit for a few minutes before rinsing. This will help remove the buildup and improve the health of your hair.