You’re trying to lose weight and are cutting calories right and left. It works for a little while, but it doesn’t take long for that weight loss to stop. The dreaded plateau happens when your body adjusts to the dietary changes you’re making and starts burning fewer calories in an effort to make it through this “famine”.

As it turns out, cutting calories, and fat in particular is one of the worst things you can do when you’re trying to lose weight. Instead, you should make sure you get some healthy fats in your diet regularly. This allows your body to continue to burn body fat for energy. Instead of cutting fat, cut the sugar and carbs.

Embracing low carb, high fat foods will help you speed up your weight loss and blast through even the most stubborn plateaus.

Let’s take a look at some “fatty foods” you may want to make part of your weight loss diet.

A great way to start your day with plenty of healthy fats is by sipping a cup of bullet proof coffee. Brew a cup of black coffee, then add a teaspoon of coconut oil and a little pad of grass-fed butter. Blend it up into a creamy concoction full of healthy fats that will give your metabolism a boost and fill you up for hours.

Brew up a batch of homemade bone broth or stock from those leftover chicken or turkey bones. Sip on it throughout the day when you need a snack or a little “pick-me-up”. The nutrients, protein, and fat in the broth will keep you going and help you melt of those extra pounds.

Above all, make sure you include a source of healthy fat with every meal. Top that salad with an avocado and an olive oil based dressing. Grill up some chicken thighs instead of breast for dinner and finish it off with a pad of butter.

Enjoy a little full fat cheese and a few olives. Throw another avocado into your green smoothie. Start embracing these healthy fats.

Stay away from low fat foods. Skip the turkey bacon, the low fat or non-fat salad dressing and dairy. Instead, go for full fat versions and the real thing when it comes to bacon. Let those healthy fats back into your life.

Not only will your food taste much better, each bite will be much more satisfying. You’ll end up eating less overall and your body will be primed and ready to release the access body fat it no longer needs to hold on to.