Building a Holistic Prevention Plan for ShinglesUnfortunately, the varicella-zoster virus can stay in your body, perhaps inactive for a long time, but because it is lurking and hiding it remains a threat. If it activates, it causes a shingles outbreak. Building a holistic prevention plan can help you strengthen your body so that it can fight off the virus.

A holistic prevention plan focuses on improving your overall health. It means considering your whole being – your mind, your body and your spirit. It’s not just about treating specific symptoms or conditions when they arise.

It includes making changes where necessary. That may be by making lifestyle changes, changes in your diet and nutrition, exercising more, managing your stress, and caring for your emotional well-being. The goal is to prevent shingles by promoting a balanced and healthy life.

The following are things you need to include in your holistic prevention plan for shingles:

Eat a Healthy, Nutritious Diet

You are what you eat, it’s a fact, and food is a fundamental aspect of your health. If you eat unhealthy foods, yes, you will be unhealthy. You must focus on eating foods that are rich in essential nutrients, such as vitamins A, C, and E.

Include plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. You should also avoid processed foods full of unhealthy fats and foods high in sugar!

Nutrient-rich foods are the foods that are ‘clean’ and not processed. They are the ones that make sure that the body has the resources it needs to maintain and repair tissues, produce immune cells, and respond to pathogens effectively.

Exercise Regularly

Exercise improves your blood circulation, reduces inflammation, lowers your stress hormones, and boosts the production of immune cells. You need to exercise for at least 30 minutes each day. Unfortunately, time is a big one for most people, but make the time to exercise! Your health depends upon it.

Manage Stress

Stress can weaken your immune system and prevent your white blood cells doing their thing and fighting off infections. Chronic stress also increases the production of cortisol, a hormone that can suppress immune function. So managing your stress or reducing your exposure to stressors is super important. Practice relaxation techniques and feel the stress leave your body.

Get Adequate Sleep

Quality sleep helps your body repair and regenerate cells, and it helps to balance your hormones that control appetite and stress. This helps to improve your mood and emotional well-being. You must stick to a regular sleep schedule. It is SO important that you do!

Do yourself a favor and make the effort to go to bed early tonight and see how much better you feel in the morning.

Create a calming bedtime routine, because it can help you wind down and sleep better. Don’t go reading stressy emails before bed, just do what you need to do to relax. Perhaps that’s to take a warm bath, or listen to some rainforest music. Whatever it is do it.

Stay Hydrated

Water. It should be known as the cup of life. It supports all your body’s functions! Without it, there is no function. Dehydration can lead to fatigue and a weakened immune system.

As well as drinking your 8 glasses or so of water, you can eat water-rich foods like fruits and vegetables which can also help you stay hydrated. Make drinking water a habit. If you don’t drink enough, set an alarm so that you do!

Quit All Your Bad Habits

You know what they are, so if you are smoking, drinking, or taking recreational drugs, it really is time to think about stopping. They all weaken your immune system. How can your body fight to look after itself if you are poisoning it?

Smoking can weaken your immune system and make you vulnerable to infections. It damages the function of white blood cells, causes chronic inflammation, and delays wound healing and recovery from illnesses.

Drinking too much alcohol consumption can also impact your immune system and increase your risk of shingles. Alcohol can impair the production and function of white blood cells and reduce your body’s ability to produce antibodies. It can also lead to increased inflammation and interfere with the absorption of essential nutrients.

Are you going to quit now?

In Summary

Preventing shingles is more effective if you focus on your entire well-being instead of just one aspect of your health. That’s why it is so important to boost your immune system so that you can avoid activating the shingles virus.

You can help yourself by practicing healthy habits and making the necessary lifestyle changes. That includes eating a healthy diet, staying physically active, getting quality sleep, reducing stress, staying hydrated, and avoiding all the things that are bad for you.

That doesn’t sound too hard, does it? If you can do the above, you will be working on your holistic prevention plan against shingles!