From its very beginnings, homeopathy has helped and cured people with mental and psychiatric problems. In 1792, four years before the founder of homeopathy Samuel Hahnemann, MD, published his findings on homeopathy, he cured the insane man Klockenbrink and had him live with him in his own house.
At that time, mentally ill and insane persons were chained in asylums when they were raging. Hahnemann had come up with plans for a psychiatric hospital in 1790!
So there is a long history of homeopathic cure of mental and behavioral problems. Homeopathy is still effective with mental and behavior problems today.
In our day, the homeopathic Swiss pediatrician Dr. Heiner Frei, MD, has fine-tuned the treatment of ADHD in children, and when done with the right homeopathic methods, the success rate is around 70% – without any side effects for the child.
Dr. Heiner Frei has conducted the now famous Berne ADS/ADHS Double Blind Study from 2000 to 2005. The study was consistent with strict standards of conventional medicine and has proven the efficiency of homeopathy as a scientific method.
Homeopathy is reported to be effective in the treatment of autism too. You can find many case stories on the internet for details. The treatment of autism takes a lot longer than the treatment of ADHS.
Which Mental Illnesses Can Be Treated with Homeopathy?
According to Dr. Carlos N. Campora MD, (Argentina), homeopathy can cure or palliate nearly every mental illness.
In general, fears, phobias including social phobias, obsessional neuroses, disturbances in learning, ADHS in children, depression and many other mental illnesses respond well to homeopathic treatment.
Why Do Mentally Ill Persons Choose Homeopathy?
Like many other patients, they opt for homeopathy because conventional treatment is not effective and comes with side effects.
In most cases, homeopathy can completely replace pharmaceutical drugs. However, sometimes both conventional and homeopathic therapy are needed temporarily. Examples for this need are the initial phase of homeopathic treatment when the curative remedy is being sought, or when a person has been on psychopharmaca or psychiatric drugs. Those drugs must be reduced gradually before they are no longer needed.
Psychiatric drugs can be addictive which makes it hard to withdraw. Homeopathy helps to avoid or reduce the typical symptoms of relapse and withdrawal once the drug is stopped. It also improves the general well-being of an individual, which makes the transition easier.
Homeopathic remedies are not addictive.
Where are the Limits of Homeopathy?
This question is hard to answer. Experience shows that the limits of homeopathy are found in the individual case. Of course, homeopathy cannot cure a dementia which has been caused by an illness of blood vessels because destroyed tissue cannot be cured. However, frequently a general improvement and a slowdown of the progression of the illness can be achieved.
On the other hand, schizophrenics, mentally retarded and endogen depression have been completely cured by experienced homeopathic psychiatrists.