About Diabetes

The proper treatment of diabetes is to keep the blood sugar within a normal range, approximately 80-180 mg/dL of glucose in the bloodstream. Most diabetics are fighting elevations in blood sugar with insulin, other medications for diabetes, diet, exercise and various alternative remedies. Unfortunately, even good treatment can go too far, leading to low blood sugar. High blood sugars and low blood sugars are equally dangerous and can lead to coma and death.

Too high blood sugar leads to possible diabetic coma. When the blood sugar reaches in excess of 600 mg/dL, you can become confused, thirsty, and nauseous, and can have frequent urination and a rapid heartbeat. Eventually, this will lead to coma and death. Emergency measures must be taken to bring the blood sugar down to restore blood glucose homeostasis. Continue reading

The connection between obesity and Type 2 Diabetes is obvious, 80% of individuals who are diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes are either overweight or obese with a Boyd Mass Index of 35 or more. Children who are obese are being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes earlier and earlier in life.

What is Type 2 Diabetes?

Type 2 Diabetes is also known as Diabetes Mellitus. It is the most common form of the diabetes and in the United States; it is the 7th leading cause of death. Type 2 Diabetes occurs when blood sugar levels become elevated in the blood due to either insulin resistance or to the lack of production of insulin, which works to remove sugars from the blood. Continue reading