Alternative Remedies

Almost everyone has experienced the symptoms of the common cold. Blocked and stuffy nose, dry and inflamed throat and fever are just a few cold symptoms. While there is no cure for the common cold, there are many ways it can be managed. Taking cold medicine is not the only way to treat the common cold.

There are natural ways to heal from this affliction. Colds and flu are caused, or rather the symptoms are triggered, by viruses. They are immune to most antibiotics, so treating them with medicine is often a waste of time, not to mention that many antibiotics can be costly.

Fortunately, there are natural and more effective ways to treat colds, including the following 3 practices which have been used for centuries. Continue reading

Researchers say that about 24 out of every 100 adult women and 40 out of every 100 adult males snore regularly. Snoring is common and often not any need for concern, but sometimes, it can be a sign that there is a serious health problem that needs to be addressed, known as sleep apnea.

Health aspects aside, snoring can negatively affect relationships. Being kept awake half the night or more by a partner’s snoring is not conducive to good mood. Like many other ‘conditions’, snoring has an inherited link or component. If your parents and grandparents snore, you will be genetically predisposed to follow.

However, this can exacerbated or mitigated by lifestyle behaviors and even environment. A few of the factors which often worsen snoring, in both incidence and intensity, include: Continue reading