Alternative Therapies

Self-care and self-regulation are vital components of achieving and sustaining relaxation. Stress can be a worthy adversary. When the flow of your life is disrupted it can be challenging to maintain a semblance of sanity.

In such times, a plan for relaxation can seem improbable or even impossible. But actually, you simply need the proper tools to navigate life’s problems.

At times it is necessary to take extra measures and to learn techniques that can help you relax your mind and body. One such technique is autogenic training.

This relaxation technique does not require any special equipment and promises to do great things for you. Below are a few things you should know to get the most of this journey. Continue reading

When you enter natural stores or hair salons, you may hear rumbles of the work Ayurveda. Hair and beauty products use this word as a powerful selling point. Although primarily marketed to a specific group, Ayurveda is an awesome technique that anyone can benefit from.

While this exotic term may ring with unfamiliar beauty, it’s actually quite powerful and is filled with rich history.

What is Ayurveda?

Centuries ago, ancient Indian practitioners laid the groundwork for what Ayurveda is today. Based on the connection between the mind, body, and the soul, Ayurveda is rife with science and wellness. It’s a complete lifestyle change that is used to increase your quality of life. Continue reading