Alternative Therapies
The main concept brought forward by the field of bioresonance therapy is that electromagnetic oscillations produced by cells affected by any given disease vary greatly from those from healthy cells. This information is used by a bioresonance specialist to induce biophysical treatment in a pain-free manner.
The human body dissipates an energy field from all its organs which are readily recorded as electromagnetic fluctuations by bioresonance equipment. When a specialist fixes electrodes at certain points of your body, they are able to alter the abnormal fluctuations by electronically changing their polarity to therapeutic fluctuations and dissipating them back to the affected areas.
It is, therefore, accurate to state that this kind of therapy enhances the body’s self-healing capabilities by eliminating all the negative signals causing stress to specific organs. As an alternative medicine, this therapy is great for detoxifying the body. Continue reading
You can’t talk about traditional Chinese herbs without touching on the concept of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) as a whole.
Traditional herbs are usually used in conjunction with other ancient Chinese practices such as acupuncture, moxibustion (burning herbs near the skin) and cupping as well as mind and body practices like meditation and tai chi.
According to the National Center of Complementary and Integrated Health (NCCIH), TCM is rooted in the ancient concept of Taoism, which sees the human body as a smaller copy of what is going on in the universe.
Disease, the theory goes, results from an imbalance in two complementary yet opposing forces: yin and yang. Yin has the properties of hot, light, feminine, day and hollow while yang is the opposite − cold, heavy, masculine, night and day.
An imbalance between the two causes a disruption in your qi or life force, resulting in ill health. Continue reading