
Aromatherapy is an ancient practice of using certain aromatic fragrances to stimulate nerves within the nose. Those nerves reach the necessary part of the brain that controls certain functions.

The science of aromatherapy is the use of scented oils that come from varying parts of flowers, plants, and in some cases – bark! Each scent that’s used in aromatherapy has an underlying purpose.

Different scents treat different types of conditions within our bodies. Medical conditions aren’t immune from it. The aromatherapy isn’t a replacement of medical treatments, but is used to enhance and to work alongside them to help treat your ailments.

One condition that can be benefited from aromatherapy is certain types of allergies. The scent of choice for this condition is the Blue Tansy. It’s thought to have a powerful effect on the nervous system, which aids in the bronchia dilating process. Continue reading

The story of our lives is one of surviving physical drift, emotional triggers and sensory blitz. We have created a kind of modern existence that also gave birth to development that the human body is sometimes unable to tackle in the same speed and efficiency.

As a result, our contemporary lifestyle has become replete with a myriad of stressors that put a strain on our physical health and emotional wellbeing.

Every day we go through life’s daily grind and we do so in ways that test our ability to adapt to a fast-paced environment offering a multitude of distractions.

Before we even knew what was going on, becoming stressed and lethargic to the point of inertness has become the sin of our times.

Most of us have responded to this original sin with another: Spending buckets on expensive and time consuming treatments and palliative approaches in an attempt to energize our senses and revitalize our health. Continue reading