Essential Oils

Essential oils have long been utilized to treat a variety of conditions. Most oils can be used alongside modern medicinal practices or in some cases, as an alternative.

Essential oils have a very small molecular footprint, meaning they are easily absorbed when rubbed on the skin, although generally they should never be ingested orally (although there are some exceptions).

Essential oils are powerful and should only be rubbed straight onto the skin after being mixed with some type of carrier oil, such as Jojoba oil.

You should always seek advice before using any essential oil, especially if pregnant or if you suffer from any existing health conditions.

Each oil has a different set of properties that lends itself to the treatment of different ailments. However, there are a few oils that can used for more than one ailment. Below are just a few of the more common ones that can have a positive impact on your life and help you towards a natural recovery. Continue reading

Essential oils have been around for centuries. Millions of people still believe in them and use them in the modern world.

They are loved for their healing properities and their ability to soothe the mind, body and spirit. They are an alternative to traditional medicine and are useful in helping with a number of illnesses and conditions.

Essential oils can either be applied topically or inhaled. Oils used on the skin are diluted with a carrier oil such as almond, coconut, olive, or grapeseed to decrease the chance of harm to your skin.

One of the most common methods of inhalation is the use of a diffuser, which disperses the aroma into the air.

Let’s face it: the benefits of these oils are endless! This makes them an attractive and easy addition to your daily routine. Not sure where to start? Below are five ways essential oils can improve your daily life. Continue reading