The sources of homeopathic remedies are plants, animal substances such as bee’s venom, minerals, chemicals, and pathogens. They are prepared by licensed homeopathic pharmaceutical manufacturers, and approved by the FDA. Many source substances are poisonous, so they are diluted.
They are non-toxic and do not cause any side effects because they are prepared in a unique way. This special preparation brings out remarkable healing capacities within each individual substance.
Each remedy is prepared by a controlled process of successive dilutions alternating with succusion (vigorous shaking) which may be continued to the point where the resulting medicine contains no molecules of the original substance. Continue reading
In homeopathy, the name of a disease or a symptom is not sufficient for the selection of a matching remedy. To select a curative remedy, you need to detect the conditions which make you feel better or worse. A condition which makes you or a symptom better or worse is called a modality.
Modalities are one part of the complete symptom. The complete symptom is the detailed description of your complaint.
A modality can be as simple as fresh air or cold drinks. It could also be something very contradictive such as stomach pain which improves when drinking coffee or the aversion of company while being afraid of being alone.
Modalities let us distinguish one remedy from another.
There are hundreds of remedies which have caused a particular symptom in a proving. They differ in their modalities. Therefore modalities help you find the remedy which corresponds best to your symptom or condition. Continue reading