Homeopathic medicine is different from typical Western medicine in that the whole person is looked at when working to alleviate illness and symptoms. In a typical Western medical appointment you go and discuss symptoms, the doctor runs tests, and then prescribes a medicine to eliminate the symptoms.
While this can be helpful in some cases, it doesn’t get to the root of the cause of the problem. And as you may have experienced, medications often come with side effects that can cause even more problems.
However, with homeopathic medicine a homeopath will study you as a whole person. He or she will look at your physical symptoms as well as your mental and emotional health, spiritual health, and even your personality. Continue reading
The answer is – it depends! If you are on the standard American diet, it certainly would be a good idea to improve your health and speed healing by opting for a plant-based diet of whole and raw foods, and to avoid any kind of refined and processed foods. Go for natural foods instead of food products.
To make it clear: you should change your diet for sustainable health, not because it is required for homeopathic treatment.
The founder of homeopathy stressed the importance of diet and lifestyle in healing, and he recommended a frugal diet of natural foods.
Diseases have a cause, and malnutrition is cause of about 90% of modern illnesses. Those can be reversed and stopped by a change of diet. Continue reading