Massage Therapy
Occasionally referred to as orthopedic massage, clinical massage is an entire array of manipulation techniques designed to assess and then to minister to soft tissue injuries.
These may include but are not limited to: massage therapy, trigger point therapy, myofascial release, muscle-energy techniques, craniosacral therapy, deep tissue massage and so on.
Clinical massage therapy is usually based on a physician’s prescription and directives as a series of treatment sessions to be performed over a set period of time and at specified frequency as related only to a specific need.
In that regard, this therapy is most often performed with a particular and purposeful outcome in mind, and its first and foremost objectives are to relieve pain, to increase the range of motion and to help repair and restore soft tissues such as muscles, tendons and ligaments to their normal and healthy functions. Continue reading
If you are anything like me, you probably prefer staying away from providers of conventional Western medicine as much as possible and I cannot say that I blame you.
Although I have full medical coverage for that “you never know when you might need it” time of my life, I have not seen any of my Blue Cross doctors in well over ten years, and I hope to continue not seeing them for the rest of my life.
Please do not miss understand me and think that I am some sort of superhuman creature who never gets ill. I do have my weak moments of pain and sniffles just like everyone else, or at least everyone else who takes good care of him or herself.
So, when my body seems to need a boost, I visit one of my two favorite practitioners of alternative medicine; my massage therapist or my chiropractor. Continue reading