Natural Therapies

Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine practice that involves using tiny needles to stimulate key body meridians, to ease and prevent various conditions. These needles help to release the congestion of energy in the acupuncture or acupressure points. The energy or ‘Qi’ flows throughout the body once the congestion is released.

The acupuncturists may also rotate the needles gently or apply heat or electrical stimulants to enhance the effects of the treatment. More and more people have a better understanding of this natural therapy method, and their results certainly speak for it.

Acupuncture has become popular worldwide because of its great therapeutic value. Continue reading

Many of us go through our daily bathroom routine without a second thought. We are either in a hurry to go somewhere or too busy planning for the day ahead to think too long and hard about it. Plus, it’s become a daily habit. For most of us, taking a shower is automatic. It’s something we need to do in the morning (or at night) without really considering why we do it or why we should.

We aren’t conscious of the fact that taking showers is not only for cleansing our body; it serves as a great time to slow down, let everything go, calm down, and totally relax. We don’t usually think that this activity can be extremely beneficial for our mind and our body.

Generally, there are two types of people who take daily showers – those who see it as a ‘need to just get it done’ and therefore do the process perfunctorily and as fast as possible, and there are those who relish the experience, pampering themselves under the relaxing gush of water. Continue reading