
There are a number of energy therapies that are based on Eastern beliefs, and Reiki is one of them. In a system that believes that energy can be harnessed to encourage the body to heal itself, it is used to treat a number of conditions, including fatigue, depression, anxiety, and pain.

The treatment involves a therapist placing their hands on, or just above, a patient to enable the patient’s own healing response.

It means “universal life energy” and the development of Reiki has been attributed to Mikao Usui, a Japanese Buddhist.

It focuses on chakras, the seven main energy centers, and to ensure that you are healthy physically, spiritually and mentally your energy should flow freely through your chakras.

Reiki releases energy to allow the body to do its own healing, and practitioners are of the belief that blocked energy paths could lead to illness, weakness or pain. Continue reading

Reiki is a form of therapy that has its origins in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, having been used by the Buddhists for at least 2500 years. The meaning of the work is “universal life force energy.” It was rediscovered in the late 1800s as a treatment for a variety of conditions.

Reiki is a holistic healing system based on 4 main levels:

  • Mental
  • Physical
  • Emotional
  • Spiritual

It is used as a healing therapy and is based on the idea that the reiki therapist can send energy to the patient just through the element of touch. It activates the healing processes of the patient’s body in order to aid in the restoration of emotional and physical wellbeing. Continue reading