The Chakras

In Western medicine, we look at the body, its organs, and blood vessels and so on, in order to check for disease and try to find a cure. In Ayurvedic (EYE-your-VEE-dik) medicine from India, practitioners of this ancient form of healing look at the energies in the body to explain disease and dis-ease. In doing so, they can then balance the energy in the body.

In particular, Ayurvedic doctors can tap into seven powerful energy centers of the body in order to increase both health, vitality, and greater mental and spiritual powers. These centers are known as chakras.

The word chakra means wheel or vortex in in the ancient language Sanskrit. The chakras are pictured as being located at certain points of the body and are viewed as a flat disk spinning from the back of the body to the front and back around again. Continue reading

Meditation is a mental exercise in which a person tries to access a higher consciousness, gain wisdom, or both. Meditation is a vital tool for anyone who wishes to grow spiritually. It is particularly useful for balancing and focusing the energy in each of our seven chakras.

For those who ignore meditation, they tend to suffer from chronic dis-ease. Notice the origin of that word. Dis-ease and disease are the same thing, though one is mental and the other physical.

Meditation can improve your overall health and well-being, plus make your mind more peaceful. You can reduce stress and gain a greater sense of contentment through skillful meditation on each of your chakras.

Meditation done every day for a short time a couple of times a day has been showing to change the brain and make it easier to perform complicated tasks. Continue reading