The Chakras
There are a number of ways to balance the chakras in order to harness their power and live a life that is more in harmony with the world around you. If you are feeling stuck in a particular area of your life, try balancing your chakras and see what a difference it can make in your life.
The chakras are powerful energy centers in the body, associated with different areas of the body and different kinds of power.
The easiest way to balance the chakras is through focusing on the one/s you wish to balance, or working on the full set of 7. You can focus mentally though meditation, picturing each colored swirl.
Each chakra has a visual representation called a mandala, which means universe. Meditating on the mandala will focus your energies. Continue reading
We can used meditation or guided imagery to tune and balance our chakras, the energy centers of our body that store different kinds of powerful energy that can help us transform our lives.
Picture the red root chakra at the bottom of your spine. Image it is a round red light twirling like a record on a turntable in the area you sit on.
This chakra is the seat of all of your basic energies as a human being and what you need in order to survive: food, water, shelter and so on.
If you are struggling for paycheck to paycheck like many people, focus on this spinning chakra and imagine a life that is easier and full of the better things in life.
Now move up to the navel chakra, also known as the sex chakra. Picture an orange vortex at the level of your belly button. Continue reading