The Chakras
If you’ve been walking around feeling like a flat battery recently, it’s time to balance your three lower chakras to give you a solid, healthy foundation so you can accomplish all of the important task in your daily life.
The first thing to remember is we are not human doings, but human beings. Allowing time for rest, meditation, contemplation and relaxation can often be as important as the hours we spend driving ourselves through our to-do list.
In fact, they can be even more so, for they can help not only recharge your battery but channel powerful energies you never even knew you possessed.
The chakras are 7 energy centers in the body connected by the central channel. Learning the meaning of each chakra and the type of energy it contains can help boost your energy and improve all areas of your life. Continue reading
If you are longing for more passion and intimacy in your life, there are a number of ways to balance and stimulate your chakras in order to achieve your goals.
The chakras are energy vortexes that spin from front to back like a record on a turntable. Each chakra is the seat of powerful energies you can harness to effect changes in your life and improve your health and vitality.
Fitness guru Jack LaLanne lived to be 96, until he passed away from complications due to the flu. When he and his wife (94) were asked what the secret of their long life was, his reply was, “Great sex.” She agreed.
If your love life has only been so-so, it is time to revitalize yourself through chakra work. Continue reading