Anti Aging
The question, ‘can we reverse the aging process’ is touted by many beauty product sellers as a big yes, providing we use their products. However, is it truly possible? Are there things we can do ourselves to reverse the damage and subsequent signs of aging that may have already occurred in our body?
Science is Working on It
Japanese researchers have discovered something that could either delay the aging process or even possibly bring back the youthful look that many people long for. The research team found a significant link between the regulation of two specific genes and the process of aging.
The researchers compared the functioning level of specific cells of children aged 12 and elderly individuals aged 80 and above. As expected, the cells from the older participants were found to have reduced cellular respiration. Continue reading
How does your metabolism affect aging? There is a great deal of conflicting information regarding metabolism, especially when it comes to delaying the effects of aging. Many people also tend to talk in absolutes, whereas good health and anti aging exists in a spectrum, rather than an absolute sweet spot.
Metabolism is measured using your Base Metabolic Rate (BMR), which the amount of energy (calories) it takes to maintain your body at rest. Simply, someone with a higher BMR will burn more calories in the course of their day than someone with a lower BMR.
When people talk about ‘increasing your metabolism’ they mean that you will utilize more calories while expending the same energy. If caloric input does not increase when BMR is raised the body will store less fat and will even use body fat for energy if needed. This makes increasing ‘metabolism’ attractive for those wishing to lose weight. Continue reading