Blood Flow & Circulation

Many women experience freezing cold hands and icy cold feet due to poor blood circulation. Of course, many will tell you that their cold hands mean they have a warm heart!

The Estrogen Connection

Some studies suggest that estrogen levels are responsible for cold hands and feet in women. This may be one of the main reasons that women typically suffer from this problem more commonly than their male counterparts.

Women in their early 30’s and 40’s can suffer the effects of “Estrogen Dominance” when their body has a much higher level of estrogen than progesterone as they approach and enter perimenopause. Continue reading

If you have poor blood circulation in your legs it’s important that you find ways to improve it. You need your blood to flow and circulate all around your body, so it can carry oxygen-rich blood and nutrients.

Some of the tell-tale signs and symptoms of having poor blood circulation in the legs include:

  • Frequent cramping, tingling and numbness in the legs.
  • Leg swelling, leg ulcers and painful calves.
  • Having cold feet most of the time.
  • Wounds, cuts, scratches and sores taking a lot of time to heal.

If you have any of these symptoms, it is a good idea to consult with your doctor. However, keep in mind that taking prescription drugs is not always the only answer and the following tips may prove helpful in improving your body’s blood circulation. Continue reading