Blood Flow & Circulation
L-arginine is an amino acid that is known to have artery-protecting benefits due to its ability to boost nitric oxide levels. It is especially helpful for people who have heart problems. This amino acid is one of the key nutrients for promoting good blood circulation and for boosting cardiovascular health.
L-arginine is an essential amino acid which means that the body is not capable of producing it in sufficient quantities, therefore, the need to obtain it from dietary sources is necessary.
The benefits of L-Arginine can be attributed to the fact that it is a precursor to nitric oxide. L-arginine is the only nutritional substrate that is available in your blood vessel lining for nitric oxide production. In other words, your body needs sufficient amounts of L-Arginine to be able to synthesize nitric oxide. Continue reading
If you have poor blood circulation there are natural supplements that can help improve your body’s complex network of veins, capillaries and arteries to function more optimally. These types of supplements can help boost your blood flow and circulation. Here are a few examples:
Coenzyme Q10 – CoQ10 Supplements
Coenzyme Q10 is used for people with heart disease and related issues. A study conducted on people diagnosed with heart disease showed that a daily intake of 300mg of Coenzyme Q10 can help restore faulty antioxidant defense systems in the body’s circulation system.
Patients who were asked to take Coenzyme Q10 supplements on a daily basis were found to have improved vascular relaxation. Continue reading