Dental Health

During our youth, we often neglect to practice good oral hygiene. We’re too busy having fun to spend time flossing. We eat foods that are unknowingly harmful to our teeth and gums. Then, as time goes by the plaque accumulates at the base of your teeth, sitting on your gum line.

Ignoring plaque will let them harden into tartar and invite bacteria to thrive. Accumulation of bacteria, together with mucus and particles of food that have not been brushed off, will lead to a gum disease called Gingivitis.

What is Gingivitis?

Gingivitis is a mild gum disease that causes inflammation, irritation, and redness to your gums or gingiva. These are the bases that support your teeth. Over time, the plaque and tartar that stay on your teeth will irritate your gingiva and make it swollen and sensitive. Then your gums will bleed easily. Continue reading

Have you ever experienced talking to a person with foul-smelling breath? Or maybe you are the person suffering from bad breath. Bad breath is the common term, it is actually called halitosis. Halitosis comes from the Latin word “halitus” which means breath.

Bad breath is embarrassing and affects many people. The stats are around 1 in 4 people and it’s one of the main reasons people seek a dental consultation.

If you go to the dentist, some have smart detectors that can discover what chemicals are responsible for bad breath. Although the usual cause is a lack of good oral hygiene, there are other reasons for this oral health problem.

Causes of Bad Breath

Some are simple causes you have control over, others may be less so. Continue reading