Dental Health
Receding gums or gingival recession is a gradual deterioration of your gum tissue, exposing more of your teeth and their roots. Because it is pulled back, you can see pockets form between your gums and teeth and this will allow bacteria to more easily grow and multiply. If you ignore it, problems will arise such as tooth decay, loss of tissue and bone, and tooth loss.
They say that in every problem, there is a solution, but to know the right solution, you have to know first why your gums recede. These are: Continue reading
Lack of good oral hygiene contributes to dental health problems. These dental problems may increase your risk of having chronic diseases. According to studies, fifty percent of the world’s populace are experiencing oral diseases. That’s a lot of people! Therefore, it is vital to understand how your overall health can be at risk if you have dental health issues.
Health Conditions May be Affected By Your Dental Health
Just like a house where the door is your main entry, your mouth is the main access point for bacteria, both harmless and harmful. Without proper oral hygiene, harmful bacteria will grow in abundance and cause oral infections that will travel to other parts of your body. That’s why it will affect not only your oral health but your body’s overall health as well. Continue reading