Detox Your Body
Detoxification or detox diets are very popular these days, but are they really necessary? What health benefits do they offer? Before answering those questions, let’s find out more about detox diets.
Advocates of detox or cleansing diets promote them as a way to remove accumulated toxins from the body.
Normal metabolic functions produce waste by-products like ammonia and lactic acid. Toxins can also enter the body from food, water and air.
The body has natural ways to neutralize and eliminate toxins. This process is called detoxification. The liver, kidneys, skin, lungs and intestines work together to filter toxins and excrete them from the body.
The body’s natural detoxification processes may become impaired as a result of exposure to too many toxins. A detox diet is a special diet program aimed at eliminating dietary and environmental toxins from the body. Continue reading
Your body is pretty complex. It handles many thousands of tasks each day – many of which you’re completely unaware of. When something isn’t right, your body will start sending you warning messages.
The problem is that not many people understand that these warning messages come in the form of symptoms.
When there’s an issue, your body tries to get you to address it by causing something to hurt, to swell, or by taking up more energy than it normally would.
Far too many people ignore these messages in the form of symptoms until they reach a point where they feel too poorly to keep up with the tasks involved in their day-to-day living. Continue reading