Eye Health
The eyes are complex organs with a direct line to the brain. Their job is incredibly important, and all the many working parts of an eye turn reflected light into the images we see.
We’ve got to make it through our entire lifetime with just the two of them. Therefore, eye health should be a top priority if we want our eyes to last as long as possible.
There are several eye diseases we really can’t do much about and are a natural part of aging. Some of us will be affected, and others not so much. Overall health history is a big factor regarding eye disease later in life.
However, during the rest of our lifetime though, we are probably going to be challenged by an eye infection of one type or another. Arm yourself with the knowledge regarding common eye infections, what to look out for and how to treat them. Continue reading
Having trouble reading those emails on your phone? Can’t see the road sign up ahead? If you’re noticing changes in your vision, it’s probably time to get your eyes checked. Over the course of our lives our eyes will change. It’s all part of the aging process.
As an adolescent and young adult, your eyes don’t really level out until about age 20. Then you’ve got a good 20 years ahead with stable vision before the next change comes in and all the sudden your arms aren’t long enough to see what’s right in front of you!
If you needed corrective lenses early in life, chances are you’re going to experience several more gradual vision changes over the years.