Happy Feet
Maybe the summer and sandal weather is approaching, or perhaps it is winter but you simply want pretty feet. Whatever the case, taking care of your feet is an affordable way to make you feel luxurious. Here are some ideas on how to make your feet feel and look great.
Daily Care
Instead of neglecting your feet until they look completely uncared for, make foot care a daily habit that becomes a normal part of your routine. When you have a shower or bath each day, use a foot file or callus remover to keep them smooth. Apply a natural lotion each night before bed and put on a pair of socks to seal in the moisture.
Have a Soak
When you have the time, fill a large bowl specifically dedicated to foot care with very warm water, Epsom salts and essential oils. Sit back with a book and some soft music, and soak away the stress. Your feet will absorb the essential oils and the Epsom salts will help you to relax as they soften your feet. Continue reading
Your toenails are a very small part of your body, but are important nonetheless. You often don’t think about your toenails until they are causing you trouble or discomfort. Here are some of the common problems that can happen with toenails, and what you can do about them.
Ingrown Toenails
Ingrown toenails are small, but painful. They can be caused by improper care of your feet, as well as a genetic tendency toward them. It is important to trim your toenails properly, which is straight across instead of cutting into the corners, and not cutting them too short.
If the problem is unmanageable at home, you may want to see a doctor who can numb the area and then cut the problem area from the toenail. It can be a recurring problem, however.
Toenail Fungus
Toenail fungus happens when fungi grow in the warm, moist areas by your toenails. It is caused by the same bacteria found in athlete’s foot infections. To avoid toenail fungus, you should keep your feet dry, and try to avoid having your feet exposed in areas where this fungus is commonly found, such as locker rooms and swimming pools. Continue reading