Happy Feet
Athlete’s foot is a painful and embarrassing condition that is easily spread. It is difficult to avoid, and even more difficult to get rid of once you have it. Here are some facts about athlete’s foot in order to help you deal with this troublesome issue.
What Exactly Is Athlete’s Foot?
Athlete’s foot is a fungal infection of the foot. It is quite common, and it manifests on the skin of the foot it has infected. Scaling, itching and a red appearance are some of its symptoms. The entire foot can be infected, but in between the toes is an area that is especially prone to it.
How is It Spread?
Athlete’s foot is transmitted by being exposed to the fungus through contact with infected skin, as well as coming into contact with traces of the fungus that may be on surfaces you touch.
Swimming pools and their locker rooms are notorious for the spread of athlete’s foot, and it is well known that being in this environment makes you susceptible to it. Contaminated items such as towels and clothing harbour the bacteria, and allow a perfect environment for it to spread to many individuals. Continue reading
A verruca, also known as a plantar wart, is a wart that can be found on the sole of a person’s foot. Verrucas are relatively common, but can still be an embarrassing affliction due to their stigma. It is similar to a regular wart, but because it is on the bottom of the foot, it may cause pain when standing or walking.
Here is a little more information about plantar warts, along with some ways you can get rid of them once and for all.
What Causes Verrucas?
Verrucas, or plantar warts, is a viral infection that manifests as a benign epithelial tumor. They are caused by the human papillomavirus, and can be found both alone and in clusters. Verrucas are extremely contagious; therefore you must be cautious to avoid them and to treat them immediately upon discovery. They can be passed by direct contact, and also through contact with surfaces that have been contaminated.
Essential Oils
There are a few essential oils that can help you get rid of verrucas. Try using either lemon or tea tree oil as they have been tested for this purpose. One of the best ways to use either oil is to simply apply a drop of the oil directly to the verruca, three times each day. If you wish, you can put a bandage directly over where you put the drop of essential oil in order to hold it in place. Continue reading