Healthy Blood Sugar
A healthy diet is certainly no secret to having a healthy mind and body. The same is true in managing blood sugar levels.
If you have been diagnosed with diabetes you would have been told how the foods you eat impact your blood glucose levels. You would have also been told how much you eat and when you eat affects your levels too. Plus, the right combination of foods is also important.
Below are some basic tips that are important for managing your blood glucose levels through your diet.
Different Sugar Sources Affect You Differently
Anyone with blood sugar problems, hears the word ‘sugar’ constantly. Two key factors are the total volume of sugar consumed, and the ratio of sugar in the meal – the percentage of total food consumed in that meal that is sugar or simple carbs. Continue reading
A reliable blood glucose meter will help you keep tabs on your blood sugar levels. When purchasing a glucose meter, there are several things to consider before making your final decision.
If you have health insurance, check with your insurance provider and ask about any coverage details. There are insurance providers whose coverage is only limited to specific types or models of blood glucose meters, test strips and supplies, and often exclude the more expensive models of meters.
You can ask for their list of pre-approved meters and suppliers so that when you begin your search, you are already pre-armed with your potential purchase options. Continue reading