Healthy Digestion

Many people have digestive problems that lead to poor digestion of essential nutrients and symptoms of poor digestion, such as irritable bowel syndrome, diarrhea, excess gas, and constipation.

The stomach is important to good digestive health. It contains powerful enzymes and hydrochloric acid that break down proteins and starches that are then more easily digested.

If you don’t have enough of these important substances in your gut, your digestion will be poor and you won’t absorb nutrients properly.

Herbs that Help Digestion

There are many herbs you can take that can help ease digestion so you can get the proper nutrients you need in your diet. Some of these herbs include the following: Continue reading

Believe it or not, a good exercise program can go a long way toward improving your digestion. Some exercise is good for your digestion, while other types of exercise have the potential to make it worse.

If you are going to use exercise to improve your digestive health, see your doctor to make sure your body is healthy enough to engage in exercise, especially if you haven’t been exercising in a while.

Exercise is good for digestion because it maximizes the blood flow to the digestive tract. If you can maintain regular exercise, you can help your digestive tract work better.

Engaging in a regular exercise program with improve the flow of food through your digestive tract, so you won’t suffer as much with abdominal cramps, bloating, gas, or constipation. Continue reading