Healthy Immunity

There are ads on TV that offer herbal supplements and companies offering exotic fruit extracts that supposedly boost the immune system. You wonder to yourself if there is any truth to those claims?

To “boost” something means to strengthen or increase something. Researchers say that we cannot “increase” or add to our immune system the way we can increase the number of soldiers in an army. We can however, ensure that our immune system is performing at its optimal efficiency.

Consider that your immune system is not one organ, but an interconnected system of organs so when you refer to the “immune system” you may actually be referring to your immune response.

The immune response is a protective process where the body’s defense forces actively recognize invading bacteria, viruses and fungi; release armies of antibodies that tag the invaders so that the macrophages and phagocytes can surround the invaders and “eat” them. Continue reading

Many over the counter products, vitamins and supplements claim to help improve your health, but the best strategies for boosting your immune system involve a number of simple strategies anyone can follow through with.

Some of the best success strategies to boost your immune system are:

  • Eating a healthy diet
  • Losing weight if you are carrying extra pounds
  • Exercising regularly
  • Getting more sleep
  • Decreasing your-stress levels
  • Making time for yourself
  • Being sociable with friends and family
  • Quitting smoking
  • Avoiding taking too many antibiotics
  • Cutting down on your alcohol consumption

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