Healthy Veins
The first sign of a varicose vein is swelling along the path the vein takes down the leg. After this most people notice bluish or reddish tinged coloring to the area as well as a swelling along the vein. Varicose veins are the result of damaged one way valves that help push the blood through the veins and forward to the heart. When the valves become damaged, the blood is able to pool within the veins and decreases the ability of the body to remove toxins and oxygenate the tissues. (1)
At this time, traditional Western medicine believes that sclerotherapy is the gold standard for treating varicose veins. However, some insurance companies do not cover this expense if there are no other underlying medical symptoms. And, some women would like to try other more natural remedies in order to treat their varicose veins and prevent any further from occurring.
Many women find their varicose veins have a genetic predisposition. In other words, there were other men or women in the family who suffered from varicose veins in years past. This meant that the valves in the veins were predisposed to being weaker and giving them trouble. However, by using some of the preventative measures outlined below many times men and women are able to significantly reduce their risk of developing spider veins or varicose veins. Continue reading
Millions of both men and women are bothered by the embarrassment and discomfort of spider veins on their legs or faces. Spider veins are those small red, blue and sometimes purple blood vessels that appear on the surface of the skin and are usually asymptomatic. In some circumstances, when the spider veins get larger in size or surface area they can cause some minor symptoms.
A varicose vein is an entirely different animal. These are tortuous large veins that have lost the function of the one-way valves that keep the blood from pooling. Without those valves, the blood pools in the veins and decreases the ability to adequately perfuse oxygen to the tissue and remove waste from a specific area of a leg.
Treatment for varicose veins has progressed over the years. Initially, individuals were recommended to sit with their feet elevated as much as possible during the day. Next, manufacturers produced support hose which helped to move the blood along in the venous system towards the heart. Surgeons then began using a veins stripping technique where the vein itself was removed from the body.
Today, less invasive treatments are available, such as sclerotherapy and laser treatment that causes the veins to collapse and eventually become reabsorbed by the body. Continue reading