Healthy Veins
Hemorrhoids are areas in a vein located in or around the rectum in which one way valves have been damaged and allow the blood to pool. This stagnation of the blood supply causes the veins to swell and become inflamed, reduces the amount of toxins and wastes that can be removed from the area, and causes itchiness and pain. Most of these hemorrhoids can be treated with some simple changes to the diet and bowel habits. They do not usually require surgery or other invasive treatments unless they become very large and painful. (1)
The first treatment recommendations will be to make changes to your diet that will make the stool softer and easier to pass. These recommendations include increasing the amount of fiber in the diet through fruits, vegetables and whole grains or taking a fiber supplement.
If you can’t get enough fiber from your diet and decide to use fiber supplements, it is very important to drink at least 8 glasses of water each day or the stool could get harder and more difficult to pass. This is because the fiber works to draw more water into the stool, making it bulkier and softer. Without water, the resulting stool is more compact, hard and difficult to pass. Continue reading
Varicose veins are swollen veins that can bulge near the surface of the skin. Many men and women are both embarrassed by the sight of these veins and experience the discomfort of swollen legs, itchy skin or small ulcers. Women, who have no genetic predisposition and thought they were much too young to experience a varicose veins or spider veins, can be surprised by the appearance of these little cosmetic problems during pregnancy. Although you may have little or no discomfort, they can make the legs feel heavy and achy.
The good news is that varicose veins that developed during pregnancy tend to improve significantly once you have given birth. And the better news is that these problems do not have to be problems if you take preventative measures. Women who work to reduce their risk of the development of varicose veins or spider veins will find they have a reduced likelihood of developing this unsightly condition. (1)
Although your obstetrician probably recommends that you exercise on a daily basis for other reasons, daily exercise will also help your circulation in your lower extremities and decrease the risk that you will develop varicose veins. Continue reading